Saturday, September 29, 2012

Owner of burned RI club donates land for memorial

WEST WARWICK, R.I. (AP) ? The owner of the site of a 2003 nightclub fire that killed 100 people is donating the land for a permanent memorial, bringing an end to a yearslong effort to secure the site of The Station fire by families of those killed and survivors of the blaze.

Dan McKiernan, a lawyer for Ray Villanova, transferred ownership of the plot of land in West Warwick to the Station Fire Memorial Foundation on Friday, five months before the 10th anniversary of the blaze, which started when pyrotechnics for the rock band Great White set fire to flammable foam that lined the walls of the club.

A makeshift memorial consisting of homemade crosses, flowers, photos and other personal items cropped up on the site shortly after the fire and has been maintained there by family members of the dead ever since. The site was left open to the public, and a memorial service is held there annually on the anniversary, Feb 20. While the foundation has a design for a permanent memorial and pledges from construction workers to build it, nothing could move forward until it secured rights to the land.

"This is a milestone that everyone has been working towards for the past nine years. We're fully cognizant of the enormity of this responsibility that we carry for so many people," Victoria Eagan, a fire survivor who serves on the foundation's board, told The Associated Press.

In 2006, three people were convicted of 100 counts of involuntary manslaughter: club owners Jeffrey and Michael Derderian and Great White tour manager Daniel Biechele. The hundreds of survivors and relatives of those killed struck a $176 million deal in 2009 with several companies to settle lawsuits brought over the fire. With the civil and criminal prosecutions over, attention turned to building the memorial.

The transfer was announced during a news conference at the site Friday, which was attended by dozens of survivors, relatives of those killed and supporters. Gov. Lincoln Chafee choked up as he offered a prayer, while members of the foundation's board cried and held hands. In the crowd that gathered to hear their announcement, people hugged and sobbed.

Dave Kane, father of victim Nicholas O'Neill and a former member of the memorial foundation's board, had been critical of how long it took to secure the land, Last week, he called on the state to seize it by eminent domain, a possibility Chafee and House Speaker Gordon Fox said they would explore. At the site on Friday, after visiting his son's cross, he said he was thrilled.

"It's been a long haul," Kane said.

McKiernan told the AP the Villanova family had always wanted a "tasteful, somber and timeless memorial" at the site, and had been working on donating the land even as Chafee and Fox said they were looking into the legalities of seizing the land. The one condition of the transfer is that a suitable memorial be maintained at the site in perpetuity.

Over the years, McKiernan said Villanova tried to donate the land, including during the settlement of the lawsuit, but concerns were raised at that time that the transfer of the land might not be legal. He said they also had conversations with local and state officials over the years about transferring the land, which did not pan out because of concerns about maintaining the land and other issues.

Villanova, his daughter and members of the foundation met Monday at McKiernan's office to hammer out terms of the deal in a meeting that foundation board president Gina Russo described as "emotional."

"It was important for us, but I think just as important for them to give back," said Russo, who was badly burned in the fire and whose fianc? was killed. "He needs to be able to trust that the right thing is going to be done. It will be a memorial. It will always be maintained. That was very important to him."

Carol Mancini, whose stepson, Keith Mancini, 34, died in the fire, said it was fantastic to know a memorial would be built, especially for those who live with the loss of their loved ones every day.

"It'll always be here," she said.

Eagan said that with the land secured, the foundation will now turn its attention to raising money. The foundation has raised more than $100,000 for a memorial, but Eagan said their hope is to raise $5 million over the next five years. She said that up until now, it has been difficult to aggressively raise money because the foundation did not own the land.

They will do everything from hold grassroots fundraisers to hit up "deeper pockets" and major corporations for money, she said.

"We know it's a lofty goal, but it is achievable," Eagan said.

She said the foundation aims to approve a final design by February. It will be scaled back slightly from a design that was approved a few years ago to make it simpler to maintain. She hopes to hold a groundbreaking on the memorial before the 10th anniversary.

Kane said it was odd to think a memorial would finally be built and was already preparing for it. He said he and his wife would come back soon to take down Nicky's cross and other items to make way for the new memorial.


Follow Michelle R. Smith at


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Benjamin Graham: What This Womanizer Can Teach ... - Investment U

by Alexander Green, Investment U Chief Investment Strategist
Friday, September 28, 2012: Issue #1871

The ?Father of Security Analysis? wasn?t much of a husband or father. He divorced his first wife in 1937, when divorce was still socially unacceptable, leaving his four children stigmatized.

The next year, he married a young actress. But his interest soon waned and he soon dumped her to marry his secretary. In between, he had so many lovers and affairs that in a new biography The Einstein of Money, the author calls him a ?swinger.? When he died in Provence at 87, it was in the arms of his long-time French mistress, whom he?d courted away from his son!

Needless to say, Benjamin Graham was not a family values guy. But he understood a lot about stock values. In fact, he pioneered the field of security analysis and made a fortune for himself in the stock market. Understanding even a little bit about his methods can make you a much better investor.

Graham arrived on Wall Street in 1914, a 20-year-old classicist fresh out of Columbia University. He began to make a name for himself by finding bargain stocks selling for far less than their intrinsic value. He soon put his money to work buying cheap stocks with a high margin of safety. In 1948, for instance, Graham invested a quarter of his firm?s capital in GEICO. It climbed 1,635% over the next eight years.

In 100 Minds That Made the Market, Ken Fisher writes that Graham ?hated technical tools like charts and graphs and equally distrusted growth investors? blind faith in a company?s management, upcoming products and present reputation ? those just couldn?t be measured in cold, hard numbers. Instead, Graham relied on earnings and dividends and felt book value ? the physical assets of a company ? was the basis for making sound investment decisions.?

Graham insisted you should buy a single share of a stock the same way you would buy an entire company. Understand the business. Analyze the balance sheet. Do the math. Forget about the state of the economy or the hot trend of the moment. The only thing that really matters is the health and assets of the business you?re buying, not who?s in the White House or what?s happening at the Fed.

Graham laid out his core principles in Security Analysis, now widely recognized as the bible of value investing and a textbook still used in many college investment courses more than 70 years after it was published. He later distilled this work into The Intelligent Investor, a book for the lay investor that still ranks in Amazon?s top 300 ? 62 years after it was first published. In fact, both books sell more copies each year now than when they were originally published, the true sign of an investment classic and a claim few books can make in any genre.

Today Graham is perhaps best known for his famous prot?g?, Warren Buffett. Buffett took Graham?s principles and used them to become the twentieth century?s best-known investor and one of the world?s wealthiest men.

Buffett still credits Graham for much of his success. ?No one ever became poor by reading Graham,? says Buffett.

I can?t imagine a serious stock market investor who wouldn?t profit from studying Graham?s disciplined, common-sense approach. He is rightly viewed as the father of fundamental security analysis. And ? given his social life ? perhaps the father of much else, as well.

Good Investing,


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Calif man behind anti-Muslim film had many aliases

En esta fotograf?a de archivo, tomada de un video el 15 de septiembre de 2012, y provista por la televisora CBS2-KCAL9, se ve a Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, el hombre detr?s de la producci?n de un video en antimusulm?n que ha generado disturbios en el Medio Oriente, es escoltado por la polic?a de Los Angeles.Nakoula, de 55 a?os, fue arrestado el jueves por violar sus condiciones de libertad, dijeron las autoridades. (Foto AP/CBS2-KCAL9, Archivo) MANDATORY CREDIT CBS-KCAL9, LOS ANGELES OUT, LOS ANGELES TV OUT

En esta fotograf?a de archivo, tomada de un video el 15 de septiembre de 2012, y provista por la televisora CBS2-KCAL9, se ve a Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, el hombre detr?s de la producci?n de un video en antimusulm?n que ha generado disturbios en el Medio Oriente, es escoltado por la polic?a de Los Angeles.Nakoula, de 55 a?os, fue arrestado el jueves por violar sus condiciones de libertad, dijeron las autoridades. (Foto AP/CBS2-KCAL9, Archivo) MANDATORY CREDIT CBS-KCAL9, LOS ANGELES OUT, LOS ANGELES TV OUT

This courtroom sketch shows Nakoula Basseley Nakoula talking with his attorney Steven Seiden, left, in court Thursday Sept. 27, 2012. The U.S. Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal on Thursday determined the California man behind a crudely produced anti-Islamic video that inflamed parts of the Middle East is a flight risk and ordered him detained. (AP Photo/Mona Shafer Edwards)

This courtroom sketch shows Nakoula Basseley Nakoula talking with his attorney Steven Seiden, left, in court Thursday Sept. 27, 2012. The U.S. Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal on Thursday determined the California man behind a crudely produced anti-Islamic video that inflamed parts of the Middle East is a flight risk and ordered him detained. (AP Photo/Mona Shafer Edwards)

U.S. Federal marshals drive away in a vehicle believed to be carrying Nakoula Basseley Nakoula after his arraignment in federal court in Los Angeles Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. A federal judge on Thursday ordered Nakoula, the man behind a crudely produced anti-Islamic video that inflamed parts of the Middle East to be detained because he is a flight risk and for violating terms of hisprobation. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

A U.S. Federal marshal, right, prepare to transport Nakoula Basseley Nakoula after his arraignment in federal court in Los Angeles Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. A federal judge on Thursday ordered Nakoula, the man behind a crudely produced anti-Islamic video that inflamed parts of the Middle East to be detained because he is a flight risk and for violating terms of his probation. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

(AP) ? Muslims across the Middle East outraged by an anti-Islam film made in America wanted swift punishment for the man behind the movie, and now Mark Basseley Youssef is behind bars. But he's jailed for lying about his identity, not because of the video's content.

Court documents show Youssef, 55, legally changed his name from Nakoula Basseley Nakoula in 2002, but never told federal authorities, who now are using that as part of the probation violation case against him.

Youssef was ordered jailed without bail Thursday until a hearing is held to determine if he violated terms of his supervised release on a 2010 bank fraud conviction. Prosecutors allege he used multiple aliases and lied to his probation officers about his real name.

Youssef, an Egyptian-born Christian who's now a U.S. citizen, sought to obtain a passport in his new name but still had a California driver's license as Nakoula, assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Dugdale said Friday. Youssef used a third name, Sam Bacile, in association with the 14-minute trailer for the movie "Innocence of Muslims" that was posted on YouTube. It portrays Muhammad as a religious fraud, womanizer and pedophile.

Angry protests sparked by the film broke out Sept. 11 in Egypt and Libya and violence related to the film has spread, killing dozens. Enraged Muslims demanded punishment for Youssef, and a Pakistani cabinet minister has offered a $100,000 bounty to anyone who kills him.

Youssef went into hiding on Sept. 15 and his home in the Los Angeles suburb of Cerritos was put up for sale. He was arrested Thursday and appeared that afternoon for a proceeding in a courtroom that was opened only to lawyers and his family. A feed was provided to the media in a different building.

Afterward, Youssef was whisked away to a federal detention center in Los Angeles where he'll stay until the hearing.

The case isn't about Youssef's First Amendment right to make a controversial film. Rather, Dugdale said, it's about his failure to live up to his obligation to be truthful with federal authorities.

"The fact that he wasn't using his true name with probation, that's where the problem is," said Dugdale, who noted federal authorities now will refer to Nakoula as Youssef.

Adam Winkler, a constitutional law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles' School of Law, said U.S. Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal's decision to order Youssef held without bail is supported by the evidence.

"He has numerous different aliases and numerous government documents with different names on them and that's exactly the kind of person that judges want to be extra careful with," he said. "This is not an end-run around constitutional protections. Those are major red flags in any case and even if this was a low-profile case and the same facts had come out, this person would be denied bond."

Given the threats against him, Youssef has the motive to flee, even if there's an arrest warrant for him in his native Egypt and a call for his head in Pakistan, said Olu Orange, a former public defender and an adjunct professor in the University of Southern California's political science department.

"He has the means to leave, as well as the inclination and the know-how. I don't see him as not being a flight risk," Orange said.

Youssef's attorney, Steven Seiden, has not replied to multiple requests for comment via letter, email and phone message. In court Thursday, he sought to have the hearing closed and his client released on $10,000 bail. He argued Youssef has checked in with his probation officer frequently and made no attempts to leave Southern California.

A hearing will be scheduled to determine if Youssef violated his probation. Prosecutors also said he could face new charges, though they provided no details other than to say they could carry a two-year prison sentence.

After his 2010 conviction, Youssef was sentenced to 21 months in prison and was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer, though prosecutors said none of the violations involved the Internet. He also wasn't supposed to use any name other than his true legal name without the prior written approval of his probation officer.

Orange County Superior Court documents show Nakoula was granted a name change petition in 2002 and legally became Mark Basseley Youssef. As reason for the change, he said: "Nakoula is a girl's name and it cause me troubles."

Authorities said Youssef used more than a dozen aliases and opened about 60 bank accounts and had more than 600 credit and debit cards to conduct the check fraud.

When he was identified as Nakoula after the movie trailer went viral, federal probation officials questioned him. He denied using the name Sam Bacile, which was listed on the YouTube account that posted the trailer, and said his role in the film was limited to writing the script. Dugdale said there is evidence showing Youssef had a larger role in the film. He declined to elaborate.

Rebecca Lonergan, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches at the University of Southern California's Gould School of Law, said it's possible federal authorities never would have pursued a probation violation case against Youssef were it not for the film.

"They don't have enough people to go out and pick up every single violator on every single warrant, but he did something that brought him to everybody's attention," Lonergan said. "I think the reality is he brought this on himself."


Associated Press writer Amy Taxin in Orange, Calif., contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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US economic data looks better on closer inspection

WASHINGTON (AP) ? At first glance, a batch of U.S. economic data released Thursday looked dispiriting. Companies slashed orders for factory goods. The government cut its most recent growth estimate. And fewer people signed contracts to buy homes.

Yet a peek beneath the headlines, and a separate report on applications for unemployment aid, suggested that the economy is sturdier than it might appear.

"Don't panic," Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics, said in a research note.

The data released Thursday showed that:

? Companies cut orders for long-lasting goods by 13.2 percent in August. The drop reported by the Commerce Department was the steepest in more than three years, but it was caused mainly by a plunge in volatile aircraft orders. Excluding transportation equipment, orders fell just 1.6 percent. And a category that reflects business investment plans rose 1.1 percent ? its first increase since May.

? The economy grew at a scant 1.3 percent annual rate in the April-June quarter. That was down from the 1.7 percent rate the government had previously estimated. But the downward revision was due largely to the Midwest drought, which cut farm production. Once the drought eases and crop yields rebound, U.S. farms should boost growth, Ashworth noted.

? The number of Americans who signed contracts to buy previously occupied homes fell in August from a two-year high in July. The National Association of Realtors said its index of sales agreements declined to 99.2, just below the reading of 100 that's considered healthy. Still, the index is 10.7 percent higher than a year ago.

Investors appeared to shrug off the reports and focused instead on Spain's plan to slash its budget to show it can meet deficit-reduction targets. The Dow Jones industrial average closed up 72 points. Broader stock indexes also rose.

While the economy looks sturdier than some feared, it's being slowed by chronically high unemployment and stagnant wages. Those weaknesses represent risks to President Barack Obama in his re-election race against Mitt Romney. The economy will be the focus of Wednesday's presidential debate, the first of three debates before the Nov. 6 election.

The Obama campaign received some campaign ammunition Thursday: The Labor Department said hiring was stronger from April 2011 through March 2012 than previously estimated. The economy created 386,000 more jobs in that 12-month period. That means the White House can now claim the economy has added jobs under Obama ? a net gain of about 100,000.

Obama prefers to focus on job creation by private employers since they began reporting net hiring gains in February 2010. That total is now put at 5.1 million, up from a previously estimated 4.6 million.

In contrast to private employers, the public sector has been cutting jobs for the past three years. And the United States still has about 4 million fewer jobs than before the Great Recession.

Still, the economy is benefiting from growing confidence that it's on the right track. Consumer confidence jumped this month to its highest level since February. And steady gains in home prices, along with record-low mortgage rates, have helped fuel a modest recovery in housing.

Both trends could boost consumer spending, which drives about 70 percent of growth.

"Consumer confidence is going up, vehicle sales have been solid, home sales are up and retailers are reporting sales gains," said Joel Naroff, president of Naroff Economic Advisors.

Naroff forecasts that consumer spending will pick up and growth will accelerate to an annual rate of 3 percent in the October-December quarter.

Other economists are less optimistic. Most say growth will hover near or below 2 percent. That's too slow to lower the unemployment rate, which was 8.1 percent in August.

And some, like Michelle Meyer, an economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, worry that businesses will rein in spending further. Meyer expects growth to slow in the final three months of the year to an annual rate of just 1 percent, among the lower end of economists' forecasts.

A survey of chief executives released this week found a sharp drop in the number of large companies that plan to step up hiring or boost investment in the next six months. They cited worries over tax and budget policies in the United States and slower growth in Europe and China.

"We are basically in a race between consumers and businesses," said Sal Guatieri, an economist at BMO Capital Markets. "Will consumers continue to pick up their spending and cheer businesses up so that they will start hiring and investing more? Or will the gloom among businesses curb hiring further and cause consumers to pull back on their spending?"

One government report Thursday offered hope that the job market will strengthen. Weekly applications for unemployment benefits plunged 26,000 to a seasonally adjusted 359,000. That's the lowest level in two months. And the four-week average fell to 374,000.

Applications for unemployment aid reflect the pace of layoffs. When they consistently fall below 375,000, it typically indicates that hiring is strong enough to lower the unemployment rate.

Most economists expect only modest gains when the government releases the September employment report next week. The forecast is that employers added roughly 100,000 jobs, about the same as in August.


Associated Press writers Martin Crutsinger and Jim Kuhnhenn contributed to this report.


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Most self-respecting geeks find a certain charm in art with order, symmetry and simplicity. If that's the case for you, then you won't be able to help but fall in love with Leonardo Ulian's beautiful geometric patterns made up of electronic components. More »


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

British, Chinese among 19 dead as Nepal plane crashes on takeoff

KATHMANDU (Reuters) - A small plane crashed shortly after takeoff from the Nepali capital of Kathmandu on Friday, killing 19 people, including seven British and five Chinese passengers, an airline official said.

The twin-engine propeller-driven Dornier aircraft, owned by private firm Sita Air, had taken off from Kathmandu for Lukla in the Mount Everest region when it crashed in a field near Kathmandu airport, police said.

The weather was clear at the time and the cause of the crash was not immediately known. Four Nepali passengers and three Nepali crew were among the dead.

Autumn is the peak tourism season in Nepal which has eight of the world's 14 highest mountains, including Mount Everest. At least 11 people were killed in an avalanche in northwest Nepal on Sunday.

In May, 15 people were killed when their plane crashed into a hill in northwest Nepal.

(Reporting by Gopal Sharma; Editing by Nick Macfie)


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tech rebounding after Miami loss | Georgia Tech

Notes from Tuesday.

1. There have been no dramatic pep talks, but Georgia Tech seems to be rebounding from its crushing overtime loss to Miami on Saturday.

?Guys aren?t really moping on the loss,? A-back Orwin Smith said following Tuesday?s practice. They had been down ?kind of right after the game and maybe a little bit Sunday, but I?m not even hearing much about it [Tuesday].?

Quarterback and B-backs coach Brian Bohannon said he and his players talked for about 15 minutes in a meeting about how to respond to the adversity of the loss, which followed an overtime loss in the season opener to Virginia Tech. Bohannon said he reviewed the Miami game video several times Sunday and Monday but is ready to move forward. Quarterback Tevin Washington has a similar mindset.

?He?s a pretty resilient kid,? Bohannon said. ?He?s tough as nails.?

Smith said that the Yellow Jackets had an energetic, productive practice Tuesday as they prepare for Middle Tennessee State on Saturday. Center Jay Finch said he made a point of ?trying to fly around? to keep the energy up.

One team goal for the season, to go undefeated at home, is out the window. The top one, to win the ACC, is a longshot with two division losses. Others, such as beating Georgia, remain attainable. At his Tuesday news conference, coach Paul Johnson wanted his team focused only on one goal ? beating Middle Tennessee State.

?We talked a lot about how dealing with adversity and how you respond to it, how you react to it, it helps to define you,? Johnson said. ?I think they?ll come back and play on Saturday. I?d be disappointed if we didn?t.?

2. Cornerback Louis Young (upper-body injury) and offensive lineman Will Jackson (leg) did not practice Tuesday, although Johnson said Monday that he expected both to play Saturday. Johnson did say Tuesday that true freshman cornerback D.J. White will play Saturday for the first time since ?we?ve got some injuries and we need him back in the secondary.?

Johnson also said that Jamal Golden will probably see more time at punt returner after two returns for 84 yards against Miami and that true freshman wide receiver Anthony Autry will see more playing time.

?He?s starting to make some really good improvements and some guys didn?t play as well,? wide receivers coach Buzz Preston said of Autry.

B-back Zach Laskey figures to get most of the snaps at that position, as David Sims is still recovering from surgery to repair a stress fracture in his shin. Sims played about 15 snaps against Miami. Broderick Snoddy is improving as a blocker, but still needs more work.

?It?s hard to sub the fullbacks in and out based on one can block, one can run,? Bohannon said.

3. Wide receiver Chris Jackson has completed a four-game suspension for not meeting NCAA credit-hour requirement rules. Jackson said he needed to have taken another class towards his major over the summer, but the shortage was not discovered until preseason camp. Tech appealed to the NCAA to no avail.

Through the first four games, Jackson has been working with the second-string offense. He?ll play special teams and could be in the rotation at wide receiver.

?Being my senior year, they?ve always said everything?s going to come fast an those four games went by fast,? he said. ?So hopefully, the next eight games go by slow for me.?

4. The team voted for captains Monday. Guard Omoregie Uzzi was named offensive captain, defensive end Izaan Cross was named defensive captain and Washington was chosen overall captain. ? For Saturday?s broadcast, Mike Hogewood (play by play), former Wake Forest quarterback Riley Skinner (analyst) and Elizabeth Moreau (sideline) will call the game for regional sports networks, including Fox Sports South in the Atlanta market. ? The ticket market for the game is not scalding. On the ticket re-sale website Stubhub Tuesday evening, almost 50 tickets were available for less than $10 and as low as $3.99.

In case you missed it?

Paul Johnson, fount of hope?

Johnson calls loss ?my fault?

The meaning of Tech giving up 609 yards

After Miami loss, Tech tries to regroup

Mark Bradley: Johnson?s approach hurting Tech

Thanks for reading.

Ken Sugiura, Georgia Tech blog


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Moving up in Nelson 26/09/2012 | Nelson Fine Homes for Buying or ...

Sep 26, 2012 | No Responses

Nice to experience the rapid onset of Spring here.? We?re back to gorgeous sunny skies and fair winds. I?m looking forward to a terrific summer and I bet you are too.

Our two new listings are both homes that will appeal even on the coldest days, but they are certainly designed around summer fun and both have been created with sun, views and outdoor enjoyment in mind.

31 Redwood Park Road, Appleby is a 10 year old home on 2.06 hectares (4.96 acres). For the boys there?s 3 car garaging, carport and office. For the family there?s a lot of space for everyone and paddocks for specialist stock and pets, and for the chef in the family there?s a stunning kitchen designed for entertaining or equally suited to a quiet night in.

28 Korepo Road, Ruby Bay is one of the stand-out homes of the region.? It has an asking price of $2.9 m, which reflects not only its position, privacy and size, but also the absolute top quality of the home.? On just over an acre of land, with 470 m2 of house, including a fully self-contained guest wing and triple garaging, this is an enduring home of quality you would be proud to call your own.

With the listings rolling in over the last week or two, we truly do have something for almsot everyone, and so if you are in the market to buy and be in your new home before Christmas, now?s a good time to get things underway.

We have 3 new listings to bring to you next week once photos are done, but in the meantime we look forward to seeing you in the weekend.


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Israel grinds to a halt for Jewish holy day

(AP) ? Israel ground almost to a halt Tuesday afternoon in preparation for Yom Kippur, Judaism's holiest day of the year.

The country has completely closed its airspace to airplanes, shut down its buses and trains, and locked its border crossings in preparation the holy day, which begins Tuesday evening and ends Wednesday after sundown. Restaurants, businesses and schools closed, government ministries shuttered, and Israeli television and radio stations went silent. Highways and roads emptied of cars ? a convention honored even by most secular and non-Jewish Israelis.

Yom Kippur is Judaism's day of atonement, when devout Jews ask God to forgive them for their transgressions. They refrain from eating and drinking and attend intense prayer services in synagogues. The day caps a traditional ten day period of soul-searching that began with the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the start of the Jewish new year.

This year, the day of introspection comes amid heightened speculation that an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities could be near. When Yom Kippur comes to a close Wednesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make his way to New York to address the United Nations with one main message: Iran's nuclear program is an existential threat to Israel, and it must be stopped.

Israeli Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar told Israel Radio that Israelis should pray this Yom Kippur that Israel's enemies be kept at bay.

"May God upturn whatever schemes they are scheming for us," Amar said.

Many Israelis also reflected on the 1973 Arab-Israel War, which Israelis call the Yom Kippur War because it broke out surprisingly on that day. The war marked a watershed moment in Israeli collective memory, when the country suffered heavy losses on the battlefield. On Tuesday, families published notices in the obituary section of newspapers in memory of their loved ones who died in the war.

Thousands of Jewish worshippers shrouded in white prayer shawls convened on the Western Wall Tuesday morning for last-minute penitent prayers. Some sounded long, curly rams' horns called shofars, traditionally sounded as a call to repent during the ten days of repentance.

Many of Israel's secular Jews fast for the day, but stay at home watching movies and playing board games. In another Israeli Yom Kippur tradition, secular children ride skateboards and bicycles through the empty streets.

At Jerusalem's outdoor market, many scurried around doing last-minute errands before the country shut down. Nearby, ultra-Orthodox Jews swung live chickens over their heads while reciting a blessing, then slaughtered the birds ? a symbolic ritual that transfers their sins to the animals. The practice has come under criticism in recent years, and many have replaced it by donating money to charity instead.

Adesu Masala, 72, an Ethiopian Jewish immigrant to Israel, was leaving the tailor's with a newly hemmed pair of dress pants to wear at his synagogue. He looked up to the heavens when he reflected on his prayers for the holy day.

"I will pray to God for a long life, and health for my children, wife and grandchildren," he said.

Tikva Horne, 70, was returning home from a visit to the doctor. She said she would be going to synagogue praying for "health for everyone, and that God forbid there will be a war."


Follow Daniel Estrin at

Associated Press


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Self Improvement Betters Your Way Of Life - The Longevity Report

Everyone at some point in their lives considers working on their personal development. It?s just a little difficult to know where to start, or even what to do to better yourself. This guide will help you figure out what personal development can do for you.

Working on personal development is a lifelong pursuit. Sure, you may reach the goals you have for yourself, but you should never stop trying to better your life. Don?t ever give up on trying to better yourself, because nobody is perfect. You can never do too much to better your life, so don?t think that you?re done with personal development just because you?ve accomplished something. When you stop trying to set goals, bad habits may creep back in, so always have a goal in mind no matter how small.

You cannot just set a goal and then hope it comes true. Every day you will need to keep your goals in mind and follow through on them. If you do make a mistake, just move on and try again. Giving up is not an option if you want results. This may make things a little more difficult for a while, but once you achieve something it will only add to your life?s quality. Learn from your mistakes and be prepared to put in the work.

One way to become a better person is to start exercising. Exercise is not only good for your body, but it is good for your mind, too. Many people say they sleep better and are happier when they exercise. There are two basic types of exercise that you should take part in. Cardiovascular exercise helps you lose weight and works out your heart and lungs. Any exercise that raises your heart rate and keeps it elevated is considered cardio. You should aim to do cardio most days of the week. The other type of exercise is strength training. This type of exercise helps you build and maintain your muscles. This type of exercise is important, even if you do not want to build big huge muscles. You use muscles in every single action you do so it is crucial that your muscles are strong. Try to do strength training a few days each week.

A lot of times, we just go through the motions of life and forget how to live. To slide by with the bare minimum and just exist isn?t really enough. If you feel that you have run out of fuel and don?t know how you can grow and change, this article will help you out. The advice below will help you become a better person who is more in tune with their inner self!

It is okay to ask for help, but it is human nature not to and think we can succeed ourselves. When you are in doubt or feeling like life is too much, ask for help from a friend or family member. Your problems will seem entirely different when shed in a different light and analyzed by someone else. An outsider can sometimes help pinpoint solutions you may not have thought of to your endless problems.

Set goals in your life! Your life is ultimately pointless and running on empty without something to look forward to. Your future will only be bright if you set guidelines for yourself. Even small goals that you give yourself can make a huge impact. For example, a long-term goal may be losing 50 pounds. A more realistic short-term goal would be taking the time to exercise 30 minutes each day. As you can see, the end result will be weight loss, but choosing to exercise instead of focusing on the pounds lost will be less overwhelming.

Having the desire to grow as a person shows that you are ready to become a better you. Use the tips shared in this article, and you will be well on the way to reaching your goal of becoming a better you in no time at all.

To learn more about other self improvement tips, check out preparing for job interview and workplace politics


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Monday, September 24, 2012

PFT: Ray Lewis rips refs, but he's wrong this time

Miami Dolphins head coach Joe Philbin speaks with officials about a call as his team met the New York Jets during their NFL football game in MiamiReuters

The NFL has updated its clubs regarding the negotiations with locked-out game officials via a memo from general counsel Jeff Pash.? It looks and feels like a press release.

Adam Schefter of ESPN has obtained the document, which addresses the recent negotiations between the two sides and addresses the areas of discrepancy that remain, from the perspective of the league.

Pash explains that, in addition to last week?s discussions, that parties met for six hours on Saturday and nine hours on Sunday.? The session on Sunday involved a federal mediator, who has no specific power over the two sides but who has tried to get them to reach an agreement.? Commissioner Roger Goodell participated in the weekend discussions.

The memo explains that significant gaps remain on all issues, and that the officials? most recent proposal is ?unacceptable in numerous important respects.?

Pash explains that the officials now want a shorter deal, at six years instead of seven, along with only a 10-percent reduction in their request for increased pay and a ?ratification bonus? aimed in part to pay the locked-out officials for the weeks that they have missed.

And here?s the summary of the league?s position, which perhaps can best be described as being for the benefit of the media, since the clubs already should know what was being offered: ?Game officials on average earned almost $150,000 in 2011. Prior to the start of the lockout, we proposed a 7-year deal that would have increased average game official?s compensation more than 7 percent to just over $161,000 in 2012, and further increase that average to more than $189,000 by 2018. In addition, we have offered a generous defined contribution retirement plan, with average contributions of $16,500 in 2012, increasing to more than $22,300 per game official by 2018. Officials also receive numerous other benefits, including severance equal to one year?s game fees and postseason bonus, a period of guaranteed ?time off? from the end of the season through mid-May of each year, first-class air travel, and
partial reimbursement for medical insurance for officials who do not have insurance through their other jobs.?

Perhaps the line that will raise the most eyebrows appears in the final paragraph: ?We recognize that the current officials are under unprecedented scrutiny and we are committed to do all we can to help them continue to improve.?

They?re not improving. And the replay officials (who aren?t replacements) and the league supervisors (who aren?t replacements) aren?t helping.

The broader message?? The league is still circling the wagons, waiting for 61 or more of the 121 locked-out officials to collectively cry ?uncle? and to then find a lawyer to draw up the paperwork that will recite, in the appropriate jargon, ?uncle.?


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Thousands join drug rehab courses - The Nation

Anupan Chantana ,
Pongphon Sarnsamak
The Nation September 24, 2012 1:00 am

With the aim of making Thailand a drug-free country, over 500,000 addicts have joined the government's voluntary rehabilitation programme over the past year, but about 100,000 of them could not overcome the habit and need treatment again.

"This is the most drug addicts getting rehab treatment ever recorded in Thailand since we started fighting against drugs many years ago," Permpong Chaovalit, deputy secretary-general of the Narcotics Control Board (NCB), said recently.

The drug problem, which had become more and more severe, threatening the security of people's lives and property, prompted the NCB and four other agencies to team up and launch the rehabilitation programme last October.

The four partners are Metropolitan Police, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's Health Bureau, the Army and the NCB's Bangkok division.

It was aimed at cutting the number of drug addicts nationwide by offering treatment on a voluntary basis without prosecution - unlike the previous practice of sending them to jail first.

The government has set the goal to get 400,000 drug abusers to attend the rehab programme this year. Now over 508,850 people dependent on several kinds of drugs such as methamphetamine (yaba) and crystal meth (ice) have attended the programme and were able to overcome addiction.

The Public Health Ministry estimates that about 1.3 million people became addicted to drugs and up to 60 per cent of them are in Greater Bangkok. This was why the government is making the problem part of the national agenda and will uphold the principle that drug abusers are patients in need of rehabilitation.

According to the NCB's report, 319,911 drug abusers received treatment at hospitals and rehab centres in 2003, as the government had considered drug abusers as patients who need treatment.

A few years later, the number of drug abusers who received treatment had plummeted to only 40,000-60,000 per year from 2004-07 due to the government's intense drug war. Most of the prisons nationwide were also full and there was no space for drug offenders.

To reduce drug demand, the NCB has set up 1,000 rehab centres in communities and district hospitals nationwide.

Drug abusers are required to apply to the programme at these centres. They will be screened and sent to the military-style rehab centres.

They will take 15-90 days to undergo rehab, depending on the length of their addiction. After the rehab programme is completed, the NCB will follow up four times a year to ensure that they do not return to the habit again.

The NCB found that only 20 per cent of rehabilitated drug addicts in the past 12 months had returned to drugs.

In Bangkok, about 5,000 drug addicts aged over 19 have received rehab treatment and 50 of them had returned to drugs. They returned to drugs because they returned to their previous life, Chakkree Premsmit, assistant director of the NCB's Bangkok office, said.

Most people become drug addicts because of family problems. Some were abandoned by their parents, and some were forced to take drugs by friends. The drug control agency found that some people were addicted since they were 19.

"We have to find out how to prevent them from returning to drugs," Chakree said. He has ordered agents to search for drug abuse in neighbourhoods across metropolitan areas and encourage families to persuade users to get drug rehab treatment.

"Most of them don't want to enter a rehab programme because they're afraid they'll be recorded as a criminal," he said.

The drug control agency has to convince drug abusers that they will be treated as a patient and not a wrongdoer because drug addiction is a brain disease that required behavioural changes, he said.

Niyom Termsrisuk, director of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's Narcotics Control Office, expressed concern that young drug abusers had increased by 60-70 per cent. He found the youngest drug abuser was nine years old, while the oldest was 60.

Dr Viroj Verachai, director of Thanyarak Institute, a treatment centre for drug dependence, said substance abuse treatment agencies should carefully check the health of all drug abusers, especially for congenital diseases before providing rehabilitation treatment or sending them to a rehab centre.

Some of them had committed suicide as they had suffered from depression and stress for a long time. They need special medication before getting substance abuse and behavioural treatment.

"We found that some of them had died from congenital disease during the rehabilitation programme as they were not screened for health problems," he said.

Jarunee Siriphan, of Population Services International, said the lack of evaluation of the quality of services inside drug treatment centres and the porous and patchy follow-up system indicated that the government had applied a "war on drugs" strategy without concern for the welfare and quality of life of people who use drugs.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Facebook posts in hostage case worry police

12 hrs.

Pittsburgh?police said they had serious concerns when an armed man took a business owner hostage in a downtown high-rise office building ? and not just because he had a knife.

The suspect, 22-year-old Klein Michael Thaxton, made Facebook posts during the five-hour ordeal Friday, authorities said, and they feared that responses from friends, family and others might goad him into violence.

In the end, police say, Thaxton surrendered peacefully and released businessman Charles Breitsman.

Now police believe that Thaxton might have chosen Breitsman because he spotted a smartphone and computer in his office and saw a high-profile opportunity to express himself on the social networking site, Chief Nathan Harper said.

Thaxton was arraigned early Saturday on felony charges of kidnapping, aggravated assault and making terroristic threats. He remains jailed on $1 million bail.

Harper said authorities might never know the reason Thaxton decided to take a hostage.

"We will leave that to the mental professionals to figure that out and get the man some help," Harper said. Thaxton will automatically receive a mental health review because of the charges.

Thaxton told police he left a halfway house about 3 a.m. Friday carrying a kitchen knife, hammer, cellphone and charger. After meandering through various neighborhoods, Thaxton arrived downtown at about 7 a.m. and briefly considered attacking two separate traffic officers with the hammer so he could steal their guns, police said.

"It makes me feel powerful when I have a gun," Harper said Thaxton told police.

Deciding he might get shot in the process, Thaxton instead sat and munched on a candy bar and noticed women streaming into a 24-story high-rise, police said. Without any particular goal, Thaxton took an elevator to two upper floors, found he couldn't get around without an electric key card and went down to the 16th floor.

That's where Thaxton saw the financial firm CW Breitsman Associates and the owner's name on the door. He also saw a smartphone, TV and computer and "felt this was the office where he needed to be," Harper said.

Except for the electronics, Thaxton's choosing the office was "totally random," Harper said, noting Thaxton didn't know Breitsman or his firm, which handles union pensions and insurance funds.

Police initially believed Thaxton had a gun because he told police negotiators he was going to shoot the victim. Instead, he threatened Breitsman with the knife, sat across a table from him breathing threats and, otherwise, used Breitsman's phone and computer to post mostly forlorn Facebook messages, police said.

"i cant take it no more im done bro," said one post.

"this life im livin rite now i dnt want anymore," another post said. "ive lost everything and I aint gettin it back."

Thaxton has been in legal trouble in recent months, pleading guilty in January to robbery for a carjacking last year. That crime was apparently on his mind, Harper said, because his carjacking victim was a woman and Thaxton told police the only other reason he picked Breitsman was that "he didn't want to victimize another female."

Thaxton was sentenced to six to 12 months in jail by the county's newly established court to help veterans with mental health and substance abuse issues. It wasn't immediately clear how Thaxton's service record contributed ? if at all ? to his mental health problems because he never saw active duty.

Instead, records show Thaxton served as a private in the U.S. Army from December 2008 to June 2010. The Army said he trained at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri before being assigned to Fort Riley in Kansas.

Whatever the motivation, Thaxton felt a need to call attention to his feelings through Facebook and told police he watched coverage of the hostage situation on his victim's TV.

Initially, police wanted the Facebook page kept open, hoping to gain useful information, but they later asked Facebook to take it down so that Thaxton could focus on conversations with police negotiators.

Most of the 700 or so responses to Thaxton's posts were from friends or family expressing their love. But a few were "ridiculous" and others were "outright distasteful," Harper said. Police were still sifting through them Friday, but Harper said any posters who authorities determine urged Thaxton to harm Breitsman or himself could eventually face charges, too.

Thaxton eventually told police negotiators he wanted to speak with an ex-girlfriend whom he hadn't seen since 2008. After shutting down the Facebook page and getting the woman on the phone to speak with Thaxton, he surrendered peacefully.

Breitsman was interviewed by detectives at police headquarters but left through a back door to avoid the media. He didn't return calls to his home Friday. Harper said the man was doing fine though "quite shaken."

Facebook didn't comment on the hostage-taking but referred reporters to a Web page that says it sometimes shares information with law enforcement if necessary to "prevent imminent bodily harm" to someone.

Some of the social network's nearly 1 billion users boast about their criminal exploits on Facebook, making it easier for law enforcement to catch them. Just last month, a woman charged with posing as a nurse and kidnapping a newborn at a Pittsburgh hospital was tracked down using messages she posted about her faked pregnancy on Facebook.

In Thaxton's case, Facebook didn't completely explain his actions nor would he as he was led past reporters at police headquarters.

Instead he grinned and ignored their questions saying, "I can't hear you, bro."

Joe Mandak wrote this story;?Associated Press writers Kevin Begos in Pittsburgh and Michael Rubinkam contributed to this report. AP Technology writer Barbara Ortutay and AP news researcher Jennifer Farrar contributed from New York.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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What Salesforce Doesn't Tell You At Dreamforce

Salesforce, a pioneer in delivering business software over the Internet, is turning to social business and collaboration services to expand into new markets and keep its revenue engine running. So it?s no surprise that the company?s Dreamforce user conference in San Francisco this week is a love fest for social networking for business. But behind all the hoopla is a dark side that businesses should pay close attention to.

Salesforce's New Social Tools

Salesforce unveiled a long list of products Wednesday and highlighted big-name customers like General Electric and Virgin Airlines. The new services are built on top of Salesforce?s core software for managing customer relations and for helping sales and marketing teams be more effective.

Over the coming months, Salesforce customers will have the option of using Chatterbox for managing and sharing files with partners and customers. Chatterbox places Salesforce in competition with Dropbox, Microsoft?s SharePoint and Box, in which Salesforce is an investor.

Other services that will be available in the near future include being able to hold conversations with customers via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and to create and manage marketing campaigns on the sites. Salesforce will also release tools for gathering intelligence on sales leads from Twitter, blogs and YouTube videos.

Market Pressures

Salesforce is hoping all its new products will keep it ahead of larger rivals Oracle, SAP and Microsoft. With such heavyweights in its rearview mirror, Salesforce can?t afford to standstill. It needs to enter new markets in order to continue driving double-digit revenue growth.

The brass ring for all players delivering business software over the Internet is a $49 billion market that grew by 25% over last year, according to Forrester Research. Spending on social business software will grow from $800 million in 2011 to as much as $5 billion in 2016, according to IDC.

Companies Fear Public Social Networks

With so much at stake, Salesforce is pushing hard into the new social business frontier. But what the marketing hype doesn?t highlight is the risks that need to be addressed before customers rev up the vendor?s new services.

The danger of having employees say the wrong thing on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn is real. Pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline learned the hard way when it paid $3 billion last year to settle U.S. government allegations that sales reps sold the company?s drugs based on claims not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Avoiding A Calamity

To avoid such catastrophes, analysts recommend a thorough training program for every employee that will be conducting company business on a public social network. ?Implementing them (social business tools) isn?t that difficult,? IDC analyst Michael Fauscette, said. ?The problem is the tools need to change your business processes and your company culture.?

Employees need to be prepared to do business under the company?s brand in an open environment. Policies have to be clearly stated on what information can and cannot be shared with customers or partners. Workers also need to be taught how to speak on social networks. They need to be aware that communications go far beyond the walls of the corporate office where they are sitting in front of a computer.

While email can also be used to mistakenly release intellectual property or private communications with customers and partners, information posted on a social network travels faster and wider. ?You?re no longer shouting it out in the cafeteria, you?re shouting it out at the local mall where anybody can hear,? Forrester analyst Rob Koplowitz said.

Nothing Is Simple

There is no simple way to introduce new policies and procedures for handling social business and collaboration tools. Changing a company?s culture to be sensitive to the greater exposure will also be difficult. So make sure you are ready before you turn on Salesforce?s new products.


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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Marijuana Can Prevent the Spread of Cancer, Researchers - AlterNet

Two scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco have found that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-toxic marijuana compound that delivers many of weed's benefits without the high, might stop metastis in aggressive cancer, "potentially altering the fatality of the disease forever."

The pair, molecular biologist Pierre Desprez and researcher Sean McAllister, mixed CBD and cells with high levels of 1D-1, the gene that spreads cancer, in a petri dish. What happened next was a bit of a miracle: ?1D-1 cells stopped spreading and returned to normal.

"What we found was that his Cannabidiol could essentially 'turn off' the ID-1," Desprez told the Huffington Post.

The duo have been studying CBD's effects on cancer for years, and first published a paper about the finding in 2007. The results just keep getting better.

"We started by researching breast cancer," Desprez told HuffPo, "But now we've found that Cannabidiol works with many kinds of aggressive cancers--brain, prostate--any kind in which these high levels of ID-1 are present."

The finding has already gone through laboratory and animal testing, and is awaiting approval for the real test, a clinical trial in humans. Desprez hopes they can move forward with their research immediately. "We've found no toxicity in the animals we've tested, and Cannabidiol is already used in humans for a variety of other ailments," he told the Huffington Post.

The pair has also been synthesizing CBD in a lab, instead of extracting it from the mairjuana plant, to make it more potent. It is a move that may also help them to avoid red tape from the federal government that still insists marijuana has no medicinal value.

"It's a common practice," explained Desprez. "But hopefully it will also keep us clear of any obstacles while seeking approval."

CBD has been used to help treat seizures, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's.

Smoking marijuana, however, may not deliver enough CBD for it to be effective, ?the researchers said.

Read the full HuffPo piece here.


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