Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cisco Builds Videoconferencing System for Ukraine's State Tax ...

cisco-logoCisco has provided a communications system for video and audio conferencing, data sharing, text-to-speech, decision support management and uninterrupted power supply for the Ukrainian state tax service.

?The project of building a highly secure special communications system for STSU has been performed within very limited time,? said Vladislav Maslo,?AMI CEO. ?For instance, in just seven working days we launched the central system, connected all offices, tuned and verified the solution.?

According to a company release, AMI, a Cisco? select certified partner in Ukraine, provided 43 STSU regional offices across the Ukraine with the system.

Alexander Chemerys,?Cisco Ukraine account manager, said the company?s video services supporting interactive employee collaboration are becoming more popular with?Ukrainian?government?agencies because they work to save time and?eliminate travelling expenses.

The STSU videoconferencing system includes HD transmission and recording and supports up to five conferences with 40 participants.

The system includes two Cisco TelePresence? MCU 5320 video servers, the Cisco TelePresence video communication server, Cisco VCSE external calling server, Cisco TelePresence content server and Cisco TelePresence management suite.

The STSU conference hall has three rotating cameras with 12? optical zoom that automatically focuses on the person speaking and shows the close-up image on video terminals.

A decision support system helps users plan meetings, register minutes and provides access to sections of video library for better execution and control.


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Mike Norman Economics: News from the front ? civil war front, that is.

News from the front ? civil war front, that is.

Liberalism has returned in force, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Tuesday, reviewing the president's Inaugural Address.
"One thing is clear from the president's speech: The era of liberalism is back. His unabashedly far-left-of-center inaugural speech certainly brings back memories of the Democratic Party in ages past," he said. "If the president pursued that kind of agenda, obviously it's not designed to bring us together, and certainly not designed to deal with the transcendent issue of our era, which is deficits and debt."
The Huffington Post
Mitch McConnell On Obama Inauguration Speech: 'The Era Of Liberalism Is Back'
Ryan Grim


At a Ways and Means Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) blasted Republicans for refusing to raising the federal debt ceiling unless Democrats agreed to budget cuts.?I have to tell you, listening to this hearing is like we are living in Alice in Wonderland,? McDermott said. ?Here we are hearing from witnesses telling us how to use default creatively or use it to get some leverage or something ? and the simple talking about it here is destructive.
?The whole world is watching this hearing. It is the first hearing on this issue. The whole point of a society is to create and run a government to make order for people. People don?t like chaos and this hearing is about how to create chaos to get what you can?t get politically with votes....
?They want everyone who is lucky and doing well to just do well,? McDermott continued. ?And if you aren?t doing well, well you?ve got to deal with it, it?s your problem. It is social Darwinism. It is survival of the fittest put into public policy.?
?The Raw Story
Rep. McDermott slams GOP for using debt ceiling to push ?social Darwinism??
Eric W. Dolan


Are Governors Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, John Kasich, Rick Perry, Rick Snyder, Nikki Haley and others conspiring to hijack our Constitution on July 4th, 2013? The conservative think-tank, Goldwater Institute, is moving lobbyists into position to mobilize legislatures throughout our nation with a Compact for America devised by their lead attorney Nick Dranias.
The Compact for America has set a timetable to convene a single issue constitutional convention this summer using Article V of the US Constitution to railroad the revised Balanced Budget Amendment in to the Constitution.
Article V of the Constitution allows states to assemble and propose amendments. It takes 34 states to request an Article V convention. The proposals that pass are then sent through Congress for a majority support. Then the amendment or amendments are sent out to the states for ratification. If 38 states agree, the amendment becomes part of the Constitution.
The Compact for America guarantees that the process will exclude the input of the other states and restricts the delegates to the Balanced Budget Amendment discussion under threat of pre-written instructions to state Attorney Generals.
The Compact for America defines that the states will choose the governor of that state as the only delegate to the convention. The number of red states gives the Goldwater Institute a much easier path to victory. There is no election or presidential action that will stop this effort. The campaign relies on the cooperation of state legislatures and governors, not popular support. Popular opposition will have little effect as well. There is no way to stop the governors and other delegates from passing the amendment. The Compact for America makes sure they collectively use their power to impose their will on the Constitution without debate of any other issue or consideration of any language changes in the amendment itself. It is all rigged in advance.
Is THIS Grounds for Revolution?
Daniel Marks

Nick Dranias responds to Daniel Marks piece in the comments at FDL. When I posted a link to Compact for American previously here at MNE, Nick also came by and the record is in the comments there. He is polite, articulate, persistent, and presents his case well, but he is wrong when it comes to the monetary economics and understanding of public finance. We disagreed about the economic implications of a balanced budget approach in comparison with a sectoral balance approach to the appropriate fiscal stance and functional finance approach to fiscal policy.

Fiscal Policy in a Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) Model?by?Wynne Godley and Marc Lavoie (Levy Institute,?April 2007)

Functional Finance and the Federal Debt by Abba P.Lerner (Social Research, ?Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1943)

The Seven Deadly Innocent Frauds of Monetary Policy by Warren Mosler (2010)

Soft Currency Economics II by Warren Mosler (1994, 2012)

Understanding Modern Money: The Key to Full Employment and Price Stability by L. Randall Wray (1999)

Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems by L. Randall Wray (2012)


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hands-on review: Updated: Sony Xperia Z

The Sony Xperia Z is the phone that's set to propel the Japanese firm to the head of the phone charts - and if it went on specs alone, there's a good chance it would manage it.

We're looking at yet another redesign from the Sony design studios - from the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc to the Xperia Z, we've had four iterations of the smartphone aesthetic.

From the 'human curvature' through to the more industrial Xperia S, back to the curves for the Xperia T and now with the sharp edges of the Xperia Z, we're constantly being given new looks.

Sony Xperia Z review

While we - rightly - lambast Apple for not really changing the look of the iPhone from model to model, this is a lot to take in. However, the good news is that the Xperia Z is probably the most attractive of the lot, with its superbly thin 7mm chassis, 1080p 5-inch screen and quad core Qualcomm processor kicking things along under the hood.

In short, this is the most powerful Sony smartphone ever made, and the brand tells us it's the first model it's really had a strong influence on since it took the manufacturing over from the Ericsson joint venture.

Sony Xperia Z review

The new design language will permeate through the entire Bravia range apparently, bringing an iconic look to products in the TV, phone and other categories.

It make sense, given Sony needs to push the 'connected home' message, but also probably means the Xperia Tablet S will be obsolete before it's even had a chance to get going.

But what of the Xperia Z, we hear you cry? Is this the final message in the Xperia range thanks to nabbing the last letter of the alphabet? Well, probably not, but it does deserve to have the Z moniker thanks to the sheer awesome power on offer.

Sony Xperia Z review

We've already mentioned the 1080p 5-inch screen, and it's probably both the most impressive and disappointing feature on the Xperia Z. It's impressive because it's so pin sharp, coming with a post-400 PPI and offering some lovely contrast ratios.

On top of that, it's much closer to the edges of the device, meaning that it has a footprint very close to the Samsung Galaxy S3 while packing that massive display. Think Motorola Razr i when you're holding it in the hand and you'll be pretty close.

Sony Xperia Z review

However, we say we're disappointed in it as it really does lack the impression of a Super AMOLED screen when viewed even slightly off angle. Look at the phone on a table and you'll be surprised how washed out the display seems, compared to the almost printed-on nature of the Samsung S3 or Galaxy Note 2.

We say we're most disappointed in this feature and that tells a story in itself: it's not a big deal at all as you will mostly be looking at the phone straight on for 99% of the time, so for this to be the worst of it means it's an excellent smartphone.

Sony Xperia Z review

In the hand it feels superbly premium: light enough to be impressive, heavy enough to feel like you're getting a decent deal for the money. And add to that the fact it's water and dust resistant and you'll be so surprised it may fall from your hand.

And it would likely survive - just remember to clip on the covers for the various ports round the sides of the device.

Sony Xperia Z review

The interface is also a pleasure to use: it's Android Jelly Bean 4.1 running on top of a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro quad core CPU with 2GB of RAM.

We're a little sad that we're not seeing Android 4.2 used here, but Sony assures us that it has placed a minimal skin over the top of the OS and can be upgraded very easily when needed.

Sony Xperia Z review

An upgrade to Android 4.2 is on the cards with Sony currently working on it and it hopes to make it available to users as soon as possible although no release date has been given just yet.

In terms of the interface, it's recognisably Sony but doesn't add too many bells and whistles; gone is the resource-intensive and pointless Timescape 'Splines' that dominated the old interface. Instead we're presented with a sea of icons and widgets that you can resize and change as you see fit, and not much else.

Sony Xperia Z review

The Sony Xperia Z will definitely appeal to those who are fans of stock Android but like the idea of having a little personalisation in their handset - although the lock screen does at least offer a cool way to open up the camera or unlock the phone.

You can have little home screens on this part of the interface too, so you can set calendar, social network or messaging updates to show without you needing to actually start up the phone proper-like.

Sony Xperia Z review

When we say that the skin is minimal, it really is; so the main points of differentiation have to come from the software enhancements.

To that end, the Mobile Bravia Engine 2 is the biggest leap forward on the phone ? we were shown side-by-side comparisons between standard definition footage and the same with the BE2 algorithms applied ? and it was startling.

Sony Xperia Z review

The colours were so much more rich, the detail it 'discovered' was massively impressive, and the overall smoothness of what was a fairly fuzzy scene blew us away.

Sure, it looked a little over-sharp and saturated at times, and proper video buffs are going to moan about the fake enhancements, but in reality most users will see this mode as a real plus.

When it comes to media, we were a little shocked to find out that the Sony Xperia Z comes complete with a microSD card slot to supplement the meagre 16GB of onboard storage.

Sony Xperia Z review

It's refreshing to see another top level manufacturer putting the option on there, and especially so when you consider the minimal thickness of the phone too.

As you can imagine, HD video looked simply superb on the expansive screen, and we can see the Xperia Z will be a really decent mobile for movies on the go.

Sony Xperia Z review

The screen is also excellent for internet browsing (along with the RAM and processor combo, which on Wi-Fi were superbly speedy. We couldn't test it on 3G or 4G, but we'd imagine that it will be excellent on both as well, given the grunt and speed on offer).

Zooming in and out of text was a breeze and it meant that even if you wanted to view anything zoomed out, the text was really easy to read and made navigation that much easier.

Sony Xperia Z review

In short, when it comes to movies or internet browsing on the go, we couldn't really fault the Xperia Z. Of course, it does come down to price, but with one of the best processors on the market as well as an impressive screen there are going to be a lot of people drawn to the device.

Another one of Sony's strengths is the upgraded Exmor R sensor: it's now the Exmor RS version and it brings even greater low light ability. Sony is touting the improved photo quality, obviously, but its main feature is HDR video recording.

Sony Xperia Z review

This means the Xperia Z can handle full HD video, process each frame three times and decide on the optimal light level. It's an incredible amount of work going on when you consider it, so we'll be massively intrigued to see how the battery power holds up during our full Sony Xperia Z review.

The final thing that we really think is worth mentioning, especially with the possibly suspect battery power, is the data and power management on offer.

Sony has, it says, invented new technology that means the phone will be drawing very little power when in sleep mode (ie when the screen is turned off) and it will completely disable apps from being able to communicate during this time.

Sony Xperia Z review

The first phone to perform such a trick is the Sony Xperia E, a more budget offering, but the difference between these two is that the Xperia Z can intelligently decide which apps should be able to communicate and which shouldn't.

The user will have to specify which apps they think should be able to run under the lock screen, for instance Facebook Messenger or Skype, but Sony still thinks that battery standby life could be improved by a large order of magnitude with this new technology.

Sony Xperia Z review

Early verdict

There's no doubt that Sony has stepped up its game with the Xperia Z. We were pretty unimpressed with the screen quality when we first saw the handset sitting nonchalantly on the table, and if you're not using the phone straight on, then you may not think you're staring at a top-end smartphone.

But that aside, the rest of the device impressed us hugely. From the premium design, the weight and industrial casing and the larger edge-to-edge screen to the high-end Exmor RS sensor and Bravia Engine 2, there's so much that Sony will be able to tout on its marketing literature.

We're getting used to our hands on reviews yielding promising smartphones these days, so we'll reserve a lot of judgment until we get our final review sample in. But based on our early look with the device there's definitely a lot of positivity surrounding it, and the fact that Sony has finally joined the big boys with a powerful smartphone is enough to pique our interest at the very least.


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Ex-SC Gov. Sanford to announce run for Congress

FILE - In this Aug. 28, 2012 file photo, former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford talks to a reporter in the floor at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. Nearly four years after his affair with an Argentine woman was exposed, Sanford plans to announce his return to politics and run for his old congressional seat on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

FILE - In this Aug. 28, 2012 file photo, former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford talks to a reporter in the floor at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. Nearly four years after his affair with an Argentine woman was exposed, Sanford plans to announce his return to politics and run for his old congressional seat on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) ? Nearly four years after his affair with an Argentine woman was exposed, former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford plans to announce his return to politics and run for his old congressional seat.

His spokesman Joel Sawyer confirmed to The Associated Press that the 52-year-old Sanford would announce his bid on Wednesday. The ex-Republican governor said last month that reports he was planning a political comeback were accurate and he was in Charleston last week looking for office space for his campaign.

The National Review Online on Tuesday first reported the announcement.

Sanford's old 1st District seat is open. Its former occupant, U.S. Rep. Tim Scott, was appointed to the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by the resignation of Sen. Jim DeMint.

The two-term governor was seen as a possible contender for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination before he vanished from South Carolina for five days in 2009 to visit his mistress in Argentina. Reporters and others were told he was hiking the Appalachian Trail.

When he returned, Sanford confessed the affair in a tearful Statehouse news conference. He later called Maria Belen Chapur his "soul mate" and the couple got engaged last summer.

The international affair ended any hopes Sanford had of running for president and destroyed his marriage, which ended in divorce from his wife, Jenny.

Jenny Sanford said Monday that, after considering the race, she will not seek the 1st District seat, saying being at home with her family was more important.

"The idea of killing myself to run for a seat for the privilege of serving in a dysfunctional body under (House Speaker) John Boehner when I have an eighth-grader at home just really doesn't make sense to me," she said.

As for her ex-husband, she said "he did a good job as congressman and he has as much right as anybody else to run for Congress, and we'll see what happens." But she added "my ex-husband's going to have a number of questions to answer, and how he deals with them will make or break his campaign."

Before leaving office, Sanford avoided impeachment but was censured by the Legislature over state travel expenses he used for the affair. He also had paid what is still the largest ethics fine ever in South Carolina at $70,000.

Sanford was elected to the 1st District seat in 1994 and served three terms before voters chose him as governor in 2002 and again in 2006. The district reaches south along the South Carolina coast from Charleston to the Georgia state line. Filing doesn't open until Friday but another famous name got into the contest on Tuesday.

Teddy Turner, the son of media magnate Ted Turner, announced he's holding a reception on Thursday to kick off his campaign for the GOP nomination.

"Spending in Washington has gotten way out of control with no real efforts to cut spending while thousands go without jobs. It's frustrating and I believe I can bring fresh ideas to provide a path of creating jobs while fighting to control spending in Washington," Turner said.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New biochip technology uses tiny whirlpools to corral microbes

Jan. 8, 2013 ? Researchers have demonstrated a new technology that combines a laser and electric fields to create tiny centrifuge-like whirlpools to separate particles and microbes by size, a potential lab-on-a-chip system for medicine and research.

The theory behind the technology, called rapid electrokinetic patterning -- or REP -- has been described in technical papers published between 2008 and 2011. Now the researchers have used the method for the first time to collect microscopic bacteria and fungi, said Steven T. Wereley, a Purdue University professor of mechanical engineering.

The technology could bring innovative sensors and analytical devices for lab-on-a-chip applications, or miniature instruments that perform measurements normally requiring large laboratory equipment. REP is a potential new tool for applications including medical diagnostics; testing food, water and contaminated soil; isolating DNA for gene sequencing; crime-scene forensics; and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

"The new results demonstrate that REP can be used to sort biological particles but also that the technique is a powerful tool for development of a high-performance on-chip bioassay system," Wereley said.

A research paper about the technology was featured on the cover of the Dec. 7 issue of Lab on a Chip magazine, and the work is highlighted as a news item in the Jan. 13 issue of Nature Photonics, posted online Dec. 27. Mechanical engineering doctoral student Jae-Sung Kwon, working extensively with Sandeep Ravindranath, a doctoral student in agricultural and biological engineering, was lead author of the Lab on a Chip paper.

The technology works by using a highly focused infrared laser to heat fluid in a microchannel containing particles or bacteria. An electric field is applied, combining with the laser's heating action to circulate the fluid in a "microfluidic vortex," whirling mini-maelstroms one-tenth the width of a human hair that work like a centrifuge to isolate specific types of particles based on size.

Particles of different sizes can be isolated by changing the electrical frequency, and the vortex moves wherever the laser is pointed, representing a method for positioning specific types of particles for detection and analysis.

The Lab on a Chip paper was written by Kwon; Ravindranath; Aloke Kumar, a researcher at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Joseph Irudayaraj, a Purdue professor of agricultural and biological engineering and deputy director of the Bindley Bioscience Center; and Wereley.

Much of the research has been based at the Birck Nanotechnology Center in Purdue's Discovery Park, in collaboration with Irudayaraj's group in the Bindley Bioscience Center.

The researchers used REP to collect three types of microorganisms: a bacterium called Shewanella oneidensis MR-1; Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a single-cell spherical fungus; and Staphylococcus aureus, a spherical bacterium. The new findings demonstrate the tool's ability to perform size-based separation of microorganisms, Wereley said.

"By properly choosing the electrical frequency we can separate blood components, such as platelets," he said. "Say you want to collect Shewanella bacteria, so you use a certain electrical frequency and collect them. Then the next day you want to collect platelets from blood. That's going to be a different frequency. We foresee the ability to dynamically select what you will collect, which you could not do with conventional tools."

The overall research field is called "optoelectrical microfluidics." More research is needed before the technology is ready for commercialization.

"It won't be on the market in a year," Wereley said. "We are still in the research end of this. We are sort of at the stage of looking for the killer app for this technology."

REP may be used as a tool for nanomanufacturing because it shows promise for the assembly of suspended particles, called colloids. The ability to construct objects with colloids makes it possible to create structures with particular mechanical and thermal characteristics to manufacture electronic devices and tiny mechanical parts.

Purdue researchers are pursuing the technology for pharmaceutical manufacturing, Wereley said, because a number of drugs are manufactured from solid particles suspended in liquid. The particles have to be collected and separated from the liquid. This process is now done using filters and centrifuges.

REP also might be used to diagnose the presence of viruses, as well, although it has not yet been used to separate viruses from a sample, Wereley said.

Unlike conventional tools, REP requires only tiny samples, making it potentially practical for medical diagnostics and laboratory analysis.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Purdue University. The original article was written by Emil Venere.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jae-Sung Kwon, Sandeep P. Ravindranath, Aloke Kumar, Joseph Irudayaraj, Steven T. Wereley. Opto-electrokinetic manipulation for high-performance on-chip bioassays. Lab on a Chip, 2012; 12 (23): 4955 DOI: 10.1039/C2LC40662D

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Playoff sites likely to be picked by end of April

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) ? The home of the first national championship game under the new playoff system, along with the three remaining semifinal rotation sites, will likely be picked by the end of April.

The second-to-last season of the Bowl Championship Series will wrap up Monday night, with No. 1 Notre Dame and No. 2 Alabama playing for the national title in Miami.

Starting with the 2014 season, the national champion of major college football will be determined with a four-team playoff. Three of the six sites that will be in the semifinal rotation have been picked. The others, along with the sites of the first and future championship games, will be in place before the summer, BCS executive director Bill Hancock said Monday.

"We're going to announce the first (championship game) site even sooner than others," he said. "I think it might happen even sooner than April".

The BCS holds a regular meeting of conference commissioners in late April.

"What we anticipate in April is to announce is a couple, three more (championship sites) ? 2015, 2016 and maybe '17," Hancock said. "I think there's no question by April we will know who the other three participants in the rotation will be for semifinals.

The conference commissioners have already narrowed down possibilities for the first championship game site to Arlington, Texas (Cotton Bowl); Pasadena, Calif. (Rose Bowl), Glendale, Ariz. (Fiesta Bowl); Atlanta (Chick-fil-A Bowl); New Orleans (Sugar Bowl); Miami (Orange Bowl).

Sites for future national title games will be bid out the way the Super Bowl and Final Four are, and could end up in places that have not traditionally hosted major bowls.

The Rose, Sugar and Orange bowls have already been chosen for the semifinal rotation. The other three sites are likely to be Arlington, Glendale and Atlanta.

Hancock would only say the commissioners would prefer to have sites in three different time zones.

Hancock, speaking to reporters from the Football Writers Association of America, said the conference commissioners are working with a concept of having 15 to 18 people on the selection committee that will pick the final four participants.

Similar to the group that sets the field for the NCAA men's basketball tournament, the panel will be comprised of college athletics administrators, such as conference commissioners and athletic directors. The committee needs to be large enough accommodate members recused when teams from the conferences they represent are discussed.

"There were years in the basketball committee where we had so many recusals there were only four people left in the room to make some big decisions," Hancock said. "We can't deal with that in football. I would envision every conference having a representative. The independents having a representative, and then some number of at-large people to be determined by the commissioners.

"It will be the most prestigious committee in college sports. It will be the most scrutinized committee in college sports. We are committed to a high level of transparency."

The current BCS standings use two polls ? the Harris poll and the coaches' poll ? along with computers ratings that mostly do not reveal their formulas to determine the top two teams in the country. There is no plan to have an equivalent of the BCS standings in the new postseason system.

The college basketball selection committee uses a computer-rating called the Rating Percentage Index (RPI) as one of many tools to pick the field.

Hancock said they could not make an RPI equivalent for football.

"We ran an RPI and it was not accurate" because there's not enough information coming out of a 12-game regular-season, he said.

"How I envision it, and I think the commissioners do to, is (the committee will) have everything at their disposal. They'll have computer rankings, they'll have the writers' poll, they'll have the coaches' poll, and they'll look at it all but at the end of the day it'll come down to the eye test. It'll come down to common sense.

"Who did you play? Did you win your conference? Where did you play? Who was injured when you played that game? What about common opponents? What about head-to-head?"

The committee will attempt to have the highest-seeded teams in the semifinal pairings play closest to home. There will be no limit to how many teams from a conference can be selected for the final four, and the committee will not avoid pairing teams from the same conference in the semifinals.

Both semifinals will be played on the same day, either New Year's Eve or New Year's Day, and the championship game will always be played on Monday night, at least a week later.


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Lego Mindstorms EV3 arrives tailored for mobile, infrared and more hackability

Lego Mindstorms EV3 arrives tailored for mobile apps, infrared and 3D building guides

Lego's Mindstorms kits were born into a world where the PC reigned supreme for control; the company is ushering in 2013 with an acknowledgment that its build-it-yourself toy part of a much wider universe. Its updated Mindstorms EV3 runs on new Linux firmware that's ready for Android and iOS control out of the box, creates an overall more hackable platform and allows further programming on the core Intelligent Brick itself; accordingly, there's an SD card slot for local storage. A built-in infrared sensor expands the possibilities for a more autonomous design, as well -- Lego suggests that EV3 constructs can follow other moving gadgets, or even their creators, around the room. It should also be the first Lego bundle with its own 3D construction guide, as a new app built with Autodesk's help lets builders see the process from every angle. We won't have the chance to put a kit together until the EV3 line ships in the second half of the year, but Lego already expects the core unit to sell for $350.

Continue reading Lego Mindstorms EV3 arrives tailored for mobile, infrared and more hackability

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Source: Lego


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FREE BOWLING!!! | Studio City Sports & Recreation, Art - egaboe's ...

Voted number one by Los Angeles Magazine, PINZ is a fun, massive entertainment and bowling center with a full bar in house. The bowling alley features a plethora of lanes, shoe rental, private party areas and a full arcade with air hockey and billiards. The staff is friendly, outgoing and inviting. And?PINZ has food and drinks for everyone. There is a free parking lot?just outside the main entrance.


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Monday, January 7, 2013

Dell's XPS 13 Ultrabook getting a 1080p screen option later this month

Dell's XPS 13 Ultrabook getting a 1080p screen option later this month

Dell's had a fairly minimal presence here at CES 2013 but it does have this bit of news to share: its XPS 13 Ultrabook is getting a 1080p screen later this month, according to a company spokesperson. In general, it's encouraging to see PC makers step it up on the resolution front, but it's particularly good news here, as the XPS 13's mediocre 1,366 x 768 screen was one of the few things we criticized in our review. Now that the weak display is getting taken care of and the trackpad drivers have been fine-tuned, that leaves just one lingering flaw: no SD card reader. Perhaps we can't have it all, but it does sound like this will be a stronger choice than it had been. No word yet on how much that upgrade will cost or when, exactly, it will become available, but we'll keep you posted.

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Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office West Bank crime report, Jan. 5 ...

This information reflects initial calls for service reported by the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office for the west bank of Jefferson Parish. Locations are approximate due to automated location methods and address inconsistencies, the Sheriff's Office says. Burglar alarm calls are excluded.

2200 block of 4th Street - Jan. 5, 2:26 a.m., theft.
5200 block of Alice Street - Jan. 5, 9:56 a.m., suspicious person.
1500 block of Alison Drive - Jan. 5, 5:52 p.m., disturbing the peace.
Ames Boulevard and Pritchard Road - Jan. 5, 12:43 a.m., suspicious person.
Ames Boulevard and Wb Harry Lee Exp - Jan. 5, 10:33 p.m., disturbing the peace.
Anderson Place and Ames Boulevard - Jan. 5, 10:11 p.m., suspicious person.
Apache Drive and Manhattan Boulevard - Jan. 5, 8:25 p.m., suspicious person.
Aspin Court and Sienna Drive - Jan. 5, 6:18 p.m., illegal discharge of weapon.
1600 block of Barataria Boulevard - Jan. 5, 4:08 a.m., robbery.
2600 block of Barataria Boulevard - Jan. 5, 11:37 p.m., suspicious person.
Barataria Boulevard and 10th Street - Jan. 5, 8:25 p.m., suspicious person.
Barataria Boulevard and Westbank Exp - Jan. 5, 3:21 a.m., suspicious person.
Barataria Boulevard and Westbank Exp - Jan. 5, 5:49 a.m., suspicious person.
900 block of Beechgrove Boulevard - Jan. 5, 3:31 a.m., suspicious person.
Belle Chasse Highway and Wall Boulevard - Jan. 5, 8:51 p.m., suspicious person.
Belle Terre Road and Ames Boulevard - Jan. 5, 4:08 p.m., suspicious person.
1700 block of Blk Betty Street - Jan. 5, 6:03 a.m., suspicious person.
3800 block of Blk Liro Lane - Jan. 5, 5:26 p.m., suspicious person.
1100 block of Blk Manhattan Boulevard - Jan. 5, 10:40 p.m., suspicious person.
2400 block of Blk Oakmere Drive - Jan. 5, 8:10 p.m., suspicious person.
500 block of Brookmeade Drive - Jan. 5, 4:36 p.m., suspicious person.
400 block of Chalmette Avenue - Jan. 5, 3:17 p.m., criminal damage.
500 block of Chalmette Avenue - Jan. 5, 1:38 p.m., criminal damage.
Cohen Avenue and Westbank Exp - Jan. 5, 12:19 a.m., suspicious person.
600 block of Commerce Street - Jan. 5, 4:26 a.m., vehicle wreck.
600 block of Commerce Street - Jan. 5, 9:38 a.m., disturbing the peace.
400 block of Dandelion Drive - Jan. 5, 1:06 a.m., criminal damage.
2300 block of Deerlick Lane - Jan. 5, 9:27 a.m., vehicle wreck.
Dells Court and South Dells Street - Jan. 5, 11:51 p.m., suspicious person.
1100 block of Destrehan Avenue - Jan. 5, 3:07 p.m., suspicious person.
Eighty Arpent Road and Barataria Boulevard - Jan. 5, 9:59 p.m., vehicle wreck.
600 block of Farmington Place - Jan. 5, 12:38 p.m., vehicle burglary.
1200 block of Farrington Drive - Jan. 5, 2:14 a.m., battery.
700 block of Goldie Lane - Jan. 5, 7:03 a.m., vehicle wreck.
300 block of Helen Street - Jan. 5, 3:27 p.m., theft.
Helis Drive and Davenport Street - Jan. 5, 10:47 p.m., suspicious person.
Jay Place - Jan. 5, 6:26 p.m., drug law violation.
Judith Street - Jan. 5, 10:02 p.m., residence burglary.
600 block of Jung Boulevard - Jan. 5, 2:46 p.m., residence burglary.
3300 block of Knightsbridge Place - Jan. 5, 12:31 a.m., battery.
4100 block of Lac Du Bay Drive - Jan. 5, 5:38 p.m., criminal damage.
300 block of Lapalco Boulevard - Jan. 5, 9:01 a.m., suspicious person.
300 block of Lapalco Boulevard - Jan. 5, 10:41 p.m., vehicle wreck.
300 block of Lapalco Boulevard - Jan. 5, 10:47 p.m., auto theft.
500 block of Lapalco Boulevard - Jan. 5, 9:28 a.m., suspicious person.
Lapalco Boulevard and Belle Chasse Highway - Jan. 5, 10:33 a.m., vehicle wreck.
Lapalco Boulevard and Woodmere Boulevard - Jan. 5, 8:06 p.m., suspicious person.
1100 block of Lee Street - Jan. 5, 11:05 p.m., disturbing the peace.
Mac Arthur Avenue and Patriot Street - Jan. 5, 7:28 a.m., suspicious person.
Mac Arthur Avenue and Westbank Exp - Jan. 5, 11:32 p.m., suspicious person.
2200 block of Manhattan Boulevard - Jan. 5, 1:00 a.m., suspicious person.
2300 block of Manhattan Boulevard - Jan. 5, 8:24 a.m., vehicle wreck.
Manhattan Boulevard and Lapalco Boulevard - Jan. 5, 1:58 a.m., disturbing the peace.
Manhattan Boulevard and Lapalco Boulevard - Jan. 5, 11:55 a.m., vehicle wreck.
Manson Drive and 10th Street - Jan. 5, 2:20 a.m., suspicious person.
900 block of East Monterey Court - Jan. 5, 5:16 a.m., auto theft.
Morning Glory Lane and Dandelion Drive - Jan. 5, 9:16 p.m., suspicious person.
5800 block of South Oak Drive - Jan. 5, 9:11 p.m., battery.
1400 block of Pailet Avenue - Jan. 5, 7:32 p.m., battery.
1200 block of Peters Road - Jan. 5, 12:59 a.m., suspicious person.
Petunia Court - Jan. 5, 2:00 a.m., suspicious person.
2700 block of Pritchard Road - Jan. 5, 11:29 p.m., suspicious person.
3700 block of Red Cedar Lane - Jan. 5, 12:58 a.m., suspicious person.
Ridgecrest Road and Ehret Road - Jan. 5, 9:20 p.m., suspicious person.
4100 block of South Ridgelane Street - Jan. 5, 7:24 p.m., residence burglary.
100 block of Rosalie Drive - Jan. 5, 11:39 a.m., suspicious person.
Scotsdale Drive and Glasgow Drive - Jan. 5, 9:03 p.m., suspicious person.
5200 block of Sharpe Road - Jan. 5, 10:45 p.m., suspicious person.
600 block of Taylorbrook Drive - Jan. 5, 10:54 p.m., disturbing the peace.
1100 block of Tensas Drive - Jan. 5, 3:49 p.m., battery.
Terry Parkway and Wright Avenue - Jan. 5, 2:40 p.m., vehicle wreck.
300 block of Treasury Drive - Jan. 5, 2:21 p.m., suspicious person.
U South 90 Highway and Lapalco Boulevard - Jan. 5, 12:09 a.m., suspicious person.
Ute Drive and Manhattan Boulevard - Jan. 5, 10:14 p.m., suspicious person.
2200 block of North Village Green Street - Jan. 5, 2:49 p.m., vehicle wreck.
500 block of Wall Boulevard - Jan. 5, 9:49 a.m., criminal damage.
4500 block of Westbank Exp - Jan. 5, 1:59 p.m., suspicious person.
5000 block of Westbank Exp - Jan. 5, 3:11 a.m., robbery.
500 block of Westwood Drive - Jan. 5, 1:32 p.m., suspicious person.


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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Man's Food Truck Stolen But Thieves Can't Keep Him From Feeding ...

HUNTINGTON BEACH ( ? John Grooman?s Chevy Silverado was stolen from the driveway of his home last Friday.

Normally the theft of a 2006 car wouldn?t make news, but the 65-year-old Grooman used that silver truck every week to help feed? more than 1,000 homeless and needy people.

The truck is his everything.

But, as he tells CBS2 and KCAL9 reporter Amanda Burden, his faith makes he believe the vehicle will somehow make its way back to him.

His many admirers call him ?Big John.? And they are referring to his heart.

Most nights he can be found at the soup kitchen he founded ? the Five Loaves and Two Fish Ministry. The name, he explains, ?comes out of the gospel of John.?

Many of the folks here ? the ones who don?t call him ?Big John? ? have no issue with calling him ?Saint John.?

He doesn?t see what he does as any big deal. He?s volunteered and helped people all his life. He says, humbly, ?I guess God just puts it on your heart.?

Irene Garcia, who is currently homeless, sees it differently. ?I think that he has a very big heart.?

Right now he has a void.

The Silverardo was stolen as was his wife?s car. Inside was $3,700 worth of cooking equipment he uses for his ministry. ?We?re a traveling soup kitchen and so when they got my truck they got all my cooking supplies, my tables, my serving trays.?

Grooman figures he is down, but not out. He tells Burden he isn?t even concerned. ?My first thought was ? ?I wonder what God has in store for me next???

Already the community has rallied to his side. One friend offered him the use of his truck. Other friends and supporters offered all the grills and tables and trays he needs to keep the traveling soup kitchen alive.

Says Grooman, ?That?s where God reaches out. He makes it available and then you use it and you start replacing your stuff. We didn?t miss one beat.?


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BodyMedia's CORE 2 armband tracks your health, or lack thereof

BodyMedia's CORE 2 armband tracks your health, or lack thereof

BodyMedia's line of armbands has been helping folks monitor their health for years, and today the company has announced a new, smaller and more fashionable member of the family. Called the CORE 2, it packs a three-axis accelerometer, plus temperature, heat flux and galvanic skin response sensors to measure all kinds of biometric data. Those internals gather over 5,000 bits of data every minute to track how hard you exercise and how many calories you burn when doing so. It doesn't take nights off either, as the band also tracks sleeping patterns to give wearers a full 24/7/365 picture of their health.

Using Bluetooth 4.0, those biometrics get passed on to BodyMedia's existing mobile apps and web portal to track your fitness over time, create custom workouts and recommend dietary adjustments to help your body be the best it can be. What really sets the CORE 2 apart from other fitness bands is that it has interchangeable faceplates, straps and cuffs, so folks can tailor the bracelet's appearance to match their outfit. Unfortunately, the CORE 2 isn't yet ready for sale just yet, so we don't know when it'll be available or how much it'll cost. However, fitness fashionistas stay tuned -- we'll be seeing it in person here at CES, so there'll be more pictures coming your way this week.

Continue reading BodyMedia's CORE 2 armband tracks your health, or lack thereof

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2012 Game of the Year Awards (Part 2) | Video ... - Gamer Syndrome

Yesterday we revealed the first half of our 2012 game of the year awards, and now we are going to unveil the rest of them, including our overall game of the year. There were many great games in 2012, but only one can win game of the year. So which game was it? Read on to find out.

Best Female Character- Cortana (Halo 4)

It?s no secret that video games are still largely dominated by male characters, which in a way makes it all the more special when a strong, well-made female character is presented to us. Cortana is one of those special female characters. While she isn?t a playable character, Halo 4?s story actually shoves her into the spotlight on many occasions, ultimately making for a tense and emotional campaign. Cortana is one of very few female characters that make enough of an impact to stand up with some of the strong male characters in video games. ? Chris

Best Male Character- Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2)

There were quite a few great male characters in video games this year. Commander Shepard, Master Chief, Vaas, and Max Payne just to name a few. However, there was one that just seemed to stand out from the rest, and that man is Handsome Jack. Obsessed with killing the vault hunters, Handsome Jack will frequently chime in to let you know just how he is feeling at the moment. He is brilliantly voiced by Dameon Clarke, making it easy for players to love him and hate him at the same time. Some of his dialogue is downright hilarious while still managing to be quite evil. One of the best things about Handsome Jack is that he isn?t just evil for the sake of being evil. He truly believes that he is doing the right thing, and his backstory reveals just why he is the way he is, which makes his character infinitely more compelling. ? Chris

Best Story- The Walking Dead

To be quite honest, this award couldn?t really have gone to any other game. The Walking Dead has raised the bar for video game storytelling, and what a story it was. The tale of Lee, Clementine, and the rest of your ever changing group is one that is sure to stick with players for a very long time. The episodic format of the game served to make the story even more suspenseful than it would have been otherwise. Each episode had one of its own ?Holy Hell!? moments, the most memorable of which came in episode 3, in my opinion. The writers did a wonderful job of making sure players knew that this wasn?t a happy story, and that their actions weren?t going to change the mood of the game. The Walking Dead has more emotional and impactful moments in one of its episodes than most games have in their entire campaign. TellTale Games did a remarkable job with this title, and there are many gamers, including myself, who can?t wait to see what they do with the game next. ? Chris

Best Handheld Game- Sound Shapes

Heading into the Vita?s launch, between the many ports, sequels and remakes that were announced, a select few original titles piqued the interest of gamers. Sound Shapes was one of them. Fusing rhythm and music with tight platforming, one of the biggest joys I?ve experienced in a game this year was watching the world come alive as I progressed. The catchy tunes and unique visuals helped it stand out and the addictive game play took care of the rest. Sure, it wasn?t the longest game. Even the special challenge modes didn?t help much in this area. But no other platformer left such a strong impression by daring to be different. Plus at $15, the price is definitely right. So sit back, throw some headphones on and rock out to Sound Shapes, the best platformer of 2012. ? Josh

Best Wii/Wii U Game- Xenoblade Chronicles

2012 was the last hoorah for the Wii, while signifying a new beginning with the launch of the Wii U. Gamers wanted Nintendo?s motion controlled money printer to go out strong, so thanks to the effort of fans, a game that was never supposed to be released in North America was released in the spring. And it was sure worth the effort, because when Xenoblade: Chronicles hit stores, many gamers not only called it the best Wii RPG, but one of the best this generation and a true return to form for JRPG?s. Blending familiar elements from the genre with a battle system that felt pulled straight from an MMO, Xenoblade managed to avoid many of the stereotypical, (sometimes annoying,) character tropes gamers have been plagued with most of this generation while feeling fresh in the game play department. Throw in a time traveling twist that affects both combat and story, hours of sidequests that are actually fun and a memorable party, and you get the best game the Wii has seen in years. So while the system was thin on releases overall, Xenoblade Chronicles was truly special, much deserving its spot as Wii/Wii U game of the year. ? Josh

Best PC Game- XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Many people were wary when it was announced that the beloved strategy game XCOM was getting a reboot. Luckily, all fears dissipated when the game actually released and everyone realized how good it was. Having the ability to name your squadmates helps to make their lives more meaningful to the player. I wouldn?t have cared much if I had lost some random person after a few missions, but when I lost my sister shortly after promoting her to Major, I was crushed. Aside from that, all of the strategy components were fun to manage and really gave you a sense of urgency at times. One country has a 4/5 panic rating and may withdrawal from the council if you don?t help them, while another country is relatively calm but is offering a reward that you desperately need, which one do you help? These are the types of moments in which XCOM shines. ? Chris

Best Xbox 360 Game- Halo 4

Many people thought the Halo franchise was all but doomed when it was revealed that Bungie would no longer be working on the series. However, 343 Industries took the reigns and actually managed to make a Halo game that was not only very good, but possibly one of the best entries in the franchise. New weapons, frightening new enemies, beautiful graphics, and a compelling story all helped to make sure Halo 4 wasn?t a dud. Handing development duties of a highly regarded series over to a new team is always a risky move, but in the case of Halo 4 it paid off in spades. ? Chris

Best PS3 Game- Journey

When it comes to PS3 exclusives, there wasn?t an overabundance of quality titles released in 2012. Games like The Unfinished Swan and Tokyo Jungle were well received, but there was one PS3 exclusive that stood above the rest, and that game is Journey. ThatGameCompany?s fantastic title meant something different to everyone who played it, and it also became the game that people pointed to when arguing that games can be art. Even the musical score for Journey made history, with Austin Wintory?s work being nominated for a Grammy. The full brilliance of Journey can?t be expressed in words, the only way to truly understand it is to go and play it. ? Chris

Overall Game of the Year- Dishonored

There aren?t an over-abundance of new IP?s getting released lately, and definitely none that are as good as Dishonored. The brain child of Harvey Smith and Raphael Colantonio released to high critical praise, and for good reason. Dishonored gave you several abilities and powers, and then set you loose in the amazingly crafted world of Dunwall to seek your revenge. How players went through the game was completely up to them, as their were several different ways to tackle each mission. Great voice acting, fun combat, rewarding stealth mechanics, and a beautifully created city all came together to make up one of the most unique experiences of the year. While it may not have the best story or graphics, Dishonored is one of those games whose greatness comes from being more than just the sum of its parts. Plus, how many games let you take possession of a rat and then use that rat to kill a group of unsuspecting guards? Dishonored is a fantastic new IP released near the end of this console generation, and it is also our 2012 game of the year! ? Chris

Well there you have it ladies and gents, our 2012 game of the year awards. It was a long and debate filled process, but now it?s done and we can look ahead to what awaits us on the gaming horizon this year. What did you think of our winners this year? Was your favorite game left out? Let us know all of your thoughts in the comments section, and may 2013 bless us all with some amazing video game experiences.

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Related posts:

  1. 2012 Game of the Year Awards (Part 1)
  2. Spike Video Game Awards 2012 Nominees Announced
  3. Which Game Deserves to Be Called the ?Game of the Year??
  4. 2012 EDGE Magazine Awards
  5. 2012: The Gaming Year So Far


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DEAR ABBY: I'm the youngest of three children and I'll be graduating from high school in the spring. My parents always seemed happy with each other. They were obviously in love, and they told my brothers and me they would never get divorced. Although they had arguments, they always made up, and it never seemed to be serious.For the last few months, my dad has been acting weird. He spends a lot of time talking to and texting "a friend" on the phone. The problem is, although the friend has a male name ("George") in his contacts, the person has a female voice. ...


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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Our refinance loan just fell through because the appraisal came in ...

This after jumping thru all their hoops, gathering data etc. and making the house perfect for the appraisal. Now lender won't even give us the report unless we pay $400 for a report that does us no good, or telling us to pay $100 for the appraisers mileage and getting nothing, not even a verbal appraisal amount. Lender is a total jerk on the phone to me,. Has an attitude when talking to me, versus my husband.

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Best evidence yet that dinosaurs used feathers the way peacocks do, for courtship

Jan. 4, 2013 ? A University of Alberta researcher's examination of fossilized dinosaur tail bones has led to a breakthrough finding: some feathered dinosaurs used tail plumage to attract mates, much like modern-day peacocks and turkeys.

U of A Paleontology researcher Scott Persons followed a chain of fossil evidence that started with a peculiar fusing together of vertebrae at the tip of the tail of four different species of dinosaurs, some separated in time and evolution by 45 million years.

Persons says the final vertebrae in the tails of a group of dinosaurs called oviraptors were fused together forming a ridged, blade-like structure. "The structure is called a pygostyle" says Persons. "Among modern animals only birds have them."

Researchers say fossils of Similicaudiptery, an early oviraptor, reveals feathers radiating from the fused bones at the tail tip. Similicaudiptery was not known to be a flying dinosaur and Persons contends its tail feathers evolved as a means of waving its feathered tail fans.

No direct fossil evidence of feathers has been found with the fossils of the oviraptors that followed Similicaudiptery, but Persons says there is still strong evidence they had a feathered tail.

Persons reasons that because the later oviraptor had the same tail structure as the feathered Similicaudipteryx, the tails of later oviraptors' still served the same purpose, waving feathered tail fans.

Persons says the hypothesis of oviraptor tail waving is supported by both the bone and muscle structure of the tail.

Individual vertebrae at the base of an oviraptor's tail were short and numerous, indicating great flexibility. Based on dissections of modern reptile and bird tails, Persons reconstruction of the dinosaur's tail muscles revealed oviraptors had what it took to really shake their tail feathers.

Large muscles extended far down the tail and had a sufficient number of broad connection points to the vertebrae to propel oviraptor's tail feathers vigorously from side to side and up and down.

Oviraptors were two-legged dinosaurs that had already gone through major diversifications from the iconic, meat eating dinosaur family. Oviraptors were plant eaters that roamed parts of China, Mongolia, and Alberta during the Cretaceous period, the final age of the dinosaur.

"By this time a variety of dinosaurs used feathers for flight and insulation from the cold, "said Persons. "This shows that by the Late Cretaceous dinosaurs were doing everything with feathers that modern birds do now," said Persons.

In addition to feathered-tail waving, oviraptors also had prominent bone crests on their head, which Persons says the dinosaur also may have used in mating displays.

"Between the crested head and feathered-tail shaking, oviraptors had a propensity for visual exhibitionism," said Persons.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alberta, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. W. Scott Persons, IV, Philip J. Currie, and Mark A. Norell. Oviraptorosaur tail forms and functions. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2013; DOI: 10.4202/app.2012.0093

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, January 4, 2013

InterDigital files ITC complaint against Huawei, Nokia, Samsung and ZTE, requests sales ban

InterDigital is at it again. The company may have lightened its patent load last summer with a little help from Intel, but it apparently still has plenty of ammunition left to fire at four new targets: Huawei, Nokia, Samsung and ZTE for selling "certain 3G and 4G wireless devices... that infringe up to seven of InterDigital's U.S. patents." At risk is a suite of 3G and 4G products from USB modems to laptops and covering phones and tablets in between. The specific models aren't listed in InterDigital's release, but the company is asking the United States International Trade Commission to block the import and sale of them all. This isn't the first time Samsung, Nokia or Huawei have come to blows with InterDigital -- the former settled back in 2008, the latter filed its own lawsuit and Nokia has more than a few battle scars already -- and something tells us it won't be the last. One company that should stay out of the crosshairs? RIM. The House of BlackBerry just extended its patent licensing deal and can now rest easy.

Update: You can also add Sony to the list of companies who have paid up.

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Via: Phone Scoop

Source: InterDigital, BusinessWire


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Make A Good Income In Commercial Real Estate - Maynas Eric

You can make a lot of money in the commercial real estate market. Of course, the large risks and major investments mean that it is not ideal for everyone.

There are many websites available that offer information to investors; therefore, learn all you can before searching for commercial property. You can never know too much when it comes to commercial real estate, so never stop looking for ways to obtain more information!

Be sure to have a professional building inspector go through your property before you put it up for sale. If they flag issues that need to be fixed, repair them before you list the property for sale.

TIP! Determine the negotiation methods of real estate brokers you are considering. Discuss each potential broker?s experience and relevant education with him before hiring a broker.

Be prepared to put a large amount of time into a real estate investment right from the start. First, you will need to search for a golden opportunity. After you have purchased the property, you may have to spend some time and money making repairs or remodeling it. Don?t give up, this process will take time and you just need to be patient. The time you invest now will lead to greater rewards later.

Before you present an offer for commercial property, be sure to have your funding source in place. Get recommendations from friends and fellow investors before choosing a local lender. Before you even embark on a course to buy commercial real estate, do some research and choose the one lender that can meet your needs. If you take some time to organize your paperwork, then it will be much easier to get that loan approved.

Assemble a group of financial backers consisting of fellow professionals, family members, friends, and colleagues. In this way, you will always have someone to turn to when you are in need of financial support. Look into and set up contracts that offer you one of two options, either one that gives you an actual percentage from the income of the property you are dealing with, or fixed interest rate.

TIP! Avoid signing a standard lease for your commercial real estate property. Some real estate firms will add questionable requirements to these documents, and because of the length of these leases such additions are often overlooked.

It?s a good idea to purchase properties larger than you actually need when buying commercial real estate. It?s not more work managing more units than less units, but each unit can cost less if you buy a property with more.

You must know how to deal with an emergency, should it arise. You should ask your landlord who is in charge of handling emergency repairs. Keep a list of phone numbers close to you, and make sure you select companies that answer quickly. Take advantage of this information to devise a contingency plan in order to prevent and respond to customer complaints resulting from maintenance issues.

When financing for commercial real estate investments, you need to make sure that you have your financial statements on hand. Without them, lenders can?t know how well you manage your finances, making it less likely that you will get the funds you need.

TIP! There are many factors to consider as you view available properties. For example, you should take note of statistics regarding local employers, workforce availability and the accessibility of skilled labor.

When you are shopping for a commercial property, be sure to confirm that you will have access to utilities. Your particular business might need additional services, such as cable, but at the minimum there should probably be sewer, water, phone, electric and gas.

Size is an extremely important variable when searching for the perfect commercial property. Unless you plan to move a few years later, look for a property that is large enough for your business to grow.

Stick with a firm that is looking out for your best interests before you enter into an agreement. Failing to do so could result in subtle changes or unneeded payments slipping by and costing you a fortune in wasted money.

TIP! Here is a way you can save when it comes to cleanup costs and repairs. You are responsible for of part of the the cleanup costs if you have an ownership interest in the property.

Location is vital to commercial real estate. For example, consider the surrounding area and local neighborhoods. Compare the growth of the property?s neighborhood to similar neighborhoods around the country. Make sure that the area will still be nice and growing in several years.

Commercial loans differ in several ways from residential loans; for one, they require a higher percentage deposit. The ideal way in qualifying for this type of loan is by finding the best lenders in addition to asking around for potential investment opportunities.

If you are considering investing in commercial real estate, make sure you are aware that you could possibly pay very high rates of inflation during the course of the next couple years. One thing past leases had were clauses in them which based on Consumer Price Index protected the signers from inflation because there were adjustments in them. However, these days, this is rarely done, which means inflation could hit you where it hurts the most.

TIP! Try to keep your properties occupied. Maintenance and upkeep costs for commercial property can be substantial and rental income is essential for paying those costs.

If you?re a buyer or if you?re a seller, it?s important that you negotiate. Make certain that your voice is heard, and do what it takes to find a fair property price.

Try to carefully limit the situations that are specified as event of default criteria prior to executing a lease for commercial property. This will decrease the probability of the tenant defaulting on the lease. Once a default happens, you?ll be in big trouble!

Look into any potential environmental problems before you buy. For example, if the property you are considering has any hazardous waste material on it, or has in the past, that can cause problems. As the property owner, the burden of getting these issues resolved rests on your shoulders, even if they initiated during a previous owner?s time.

TIP! Take the time to gain the available knowledge to better recognize an advantageous deal. Those in the know can pick up on a good deal instantly.

The commercial real estate market can yield some amazing potential for financial success. You need to invest, not only a huge down payment, but also your precious time and effort to make sure your investment succeeds. Keep the tips you just read in mind to help you make money via your investments.


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Editing genome with high precision: New method to insert multiple genes in specific locations, delete defective genes

Jan. 3, 2013 ? Researchers at MIT, the Broad Institute and Rockefeller University have developed a new technique for precisely altering the genomes of living cells by adding or deleting genes. The researchers say the technology could offer an easy-to-use, less-expensive way to engineer organisms that produce biofuels; to design animal models to study human disease; and to develop new therapies, among other potential applications.

To create their new genome-editing technique, the researchers modified a set of bacterial proteins that normally defend against viral invaders. Using this system, scientists can alter several genome sites simultaneously and can achieve much greater control over where new genes are inserted, says Feng Zhang, an assistant professor of brain and cognitive sciences at MIT and leader of the research team.

"Anything that requires engineering of an organism to put in new genes or to modify what's in the genome will be able to benefit from this," says Zhang, who is a core member of the Broad Institute and MIT's McGovern Institute for Brain Research.

Zhang and his colleagues describe the new technique in the Jan. 3 online edition of Science. Lead authors of the paper are graduate students Le Cong and Ann Ran.

Early efforts

The first genetically altered mice were created in the 1980s by adding small pieces of DNA to mouse embryonic cells. This method is now widely used to create transgenic mice for the study of human disease, but, because it inserts DNA randomly in the genome, researchers can't target the newly delivered genes to replace existing ones.

In recent years, scientists have sought more precise ways to edit the genome. One such method, known as homologous recombination, involves delivering a piece of DNA that includes the gene of interest flanked by sequences that match the genome region where the gene is to be inserted. However, this technique's success rate is very low because the natural recombination process is rare in normal cells.

More recently, biologists discovered that they could improve the efficiency of this process by adding enzymes called nucleases, which can cut DNA. Zinc fingers are commonly used to deliver the nuclease to a specific location, but zinc finger arrays can't target every possible sequence of DNA, limiting their usefulness. Furthermore, assembling the proteins is a labor-intensive and expensive process.

Complexes known as transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) can also cut the genome in specific locations, but these complexes can also be expensive and difficult to assemble.

Precise targeting

The new system is much more user-friendly, Zhang says. Making use of naturally occurring bacterial protein-RNA systems that recognize and snip viral DNA, the researchers can create DNA-editing complexes that include a nuclease called Cas9 bound to short RNA sequences. These sequences are designed to target specific locations in the genome; when they encounter a match, Cas9 cuts the DNA.

This approach can be used either to disrupt the function of a gene or to replace it with a new one. To replace the gene, the researchers must also add a DNA template for the new gene, which would be copied into the genome after the DNA is cut.

Each of the RNA segments can target a different sequence. "That's the beauty of this -- you can easily program a nuclease to target one or more positions in the genome," Zhang says.

The method is also very precise -- if there is a single base-pair difference between the RNA targeting sequence and the genome sequence, Cas9 is not activated. This is not the case for zinc fingers or TALEN. The new system also appears to be more efficient than TALEN, and much less expensive.

The new system "is a significant advancement in the field of genome editing and, in its first iteration, already appears comparable in efficiency to what zinc finger nucleases and TALENs have to offer," says Aron Geurts, an associate professor of physiology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. "Deciphering the ever-increasing data emerging on genetic variation as it relates to human health and disease will require this type of scalable and precise genome editing in model systems."

The research team has deposited the necessary genetic components with a nonprofit called Addgene, making the components widely available to other researchers who want to use the system. The researchers have also created a website with tips and tools for using this new technique.

Engineering new therapies

Among other possible applications, this system could be used to design new therapies for diseases such as Huntington's disease, which appears to be caused by a single abnormal gene. Clinical trials that use zinc finger nucleases to disable genes are now under way, and the new technology could offer a more efficient alternative.

The system might also be useful for treating HIV by removing patients' lymphocytes and mutating the CCR5 receptor, through which the virus enters cells. After being put back in the patient, such cells would resist infection.

This approach could also make it easier to study human disease by inducing specific mutations in human stem cells. "Using this genome editing system, you can very systematically put in individual mutations and differentiate the stem cells into neurons or cardiomyocytes and see how the mutations alter the biology of the cells," Zhang says.

In the Science study, the researchers tested the system in cells grown in the lab, but they plan to apply the new technology to study brain function and diseases.

The research was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health; the W.M. Keck Foundation; the McKnight Foundation; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation; the Searle Scholars Program; and philanthropic support from MIT alumni Mike Boylan and Bob Metcalfe, as well as the newscaster Jane Pauley.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The original article was written by Anne Trafton.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Le Cong, F. Ann Ran, David Cox, Shuailiang Lin, Robert Barretto, Naomi Habib, Patrick D. Hsu, Xuebing Wu, Wenyan Jiang, Luciano Marraffini, and Feng Zhang. Multiplex Genome Engineering Using CRISPR/Cas Systems. Science, 3 January 2013 DOI: 10.1126/science.1231143

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