Friday, November 30, 2012

Publishing Your Own Books: Information and Links | Business PR ...

This page will have information related to publishing your own books, about ISBN, and so forth.? All information here are links to other sites with more information or from our own research.?? The bottom line is, all decisions are yours to make.? Whichever method you choose is your own choice.? Thank you.

So, let's begin.? At the early part of this year, January 2012, I made a commitment to publish my own books.? And I am very serious about it.? I answered a lot of questions on how to do this and how to do that.? I gave a lot of insight on what to do and how to achieve certain goals and action items.?

And with many of the stories that I told and shared to help anyone understand what they need to do for their own whatever it is, I realized it is time to put everything in a book.? Well, come to think of it, that book with be very thick!?

So, like? my websites, I put bits and pieces out there whenever possible, like now. ?So here you go on the subject of publishing your own books.? See the links below.? I'll add more to it as our list of information continues to grow.



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Thursday, November 29, 2012

China box office will surpass U.S. by 2020: Study

LOS ANGELES ( - The Chinese box office, currently the second largest international market behind Japan, will exceed the U.S. box office by 2020, according to a report issued Wednesday by Ernst & Young.

China's entertainment market is growing even faster than anticipated, creating unprecedented opportunities for media investment, according to the Spotlight in China report, which comes out of the company's Media & Entertainment Emerging Markets Executive Forum underway in Shanghai.

Chinese spending on entertainment and leisure activities rose 56% from 2010 to 2011 and that trend will continue, the report said. The annual growth rate for China's media and entertainment industry between 2010 and 2015 is estimated to be 17%, which is significantly higher than the country's overall economic growth rate, according to Ernst & Young.

The report advised the largest global entertainment companies to seize the opportunities.

"Their global strategy has to have China front and center," said David McGregor, Asia-Pacific media & entertainment leader for the firm. "Between the impact of digital adoption and the government of China easing regulatory restrictions, both foreign and domestic media and entertainment companies are in a position to make new inroads into this extremely promising market."

Last year, the Chinese box office grew by 35 percent, to $2 billion, according to the Motion Picture Assn. of America. In 2011, the U.S./Canada box office was $10.2 billion -- more than five times that of China, but it was down 4 percent compared to 2010. Worldwide, the box office reached $32.6 billion in 2011, up 3 percent from 2010.

With 1.3 billion people, China is the most populous nation and largest internet market in the world and its digital entertainment continues to grow exponentially.

Spotlight on China identified several trends driving growth in China's media and entertainment economy, including an increasing disposable income among consumers; the convergence of networks, devices and content; the digitization of distribution infrastructure; advertising expansion; growth of second-tier cities; emerging business models and regulatory reform.

It also highlighted the challenges facing media and entertainment companies doing business in China, including changing consumer preferences in a diverse marketplace, an evolving and highly competitive digital landscape, price sensitivity, intellectual property rights infringement and government control and regulatory restrictions.

The report identified four key factors critical to success in China. These are building a strong brand, succeeding in digital, forming and operating successful partnerships and navigating the regulatory landscape.

"The challenges for media and entertainment companies to penetrate China are still considerable, however the vast potential of the market makes it impossible to ignore," said John Nendick, global media & entertainment leader for Ernst & Young. "Companies will need to understand that investing in China is a long-term proposition, and those who can make that commitment will be in a much better position to succeed."

Cultural influences were cited as a key factor, too.

"Companies cannot underestimate the importance of culture in China," said Peter YF Chan, Greater China media & entertainment leader for the firm. "An understanding of the cultural nuances across geography, age and income level is necessary to win the loyalty of Chinese consumers."

The report comes out amid more evidence that the Chinese government is aggressively supporting the growth of its entertainment industry to rival Hollywood.

Two state-owned Chinese film studios are looking for listings on Shanghai's stock exchange, according to the Wall Street Jounal. Beijing-based China Film Co. and Shanghai-based Shanghai Film Group Co. have both applied for IPOs, which will require approval from the China Securities Regulatory Commission. No financial details and specifics about timing were disclosed.


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How Amazingly Convenient: Lefties 'Discover' That Susan Rice Has 'Conflict of Interest' Energy Investments

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Wednesday, November 28, 2012
In what would appear to be a sure sign that the Obama administration's leftist allies, perhaps with the President's go-ahead, are preparing to throw current U.N. ambassador Susan Rice under the bus, Alex Guillen at the Politico reported at 6:14 p.m. on information that has from all appearances been public information for at least three months , but which the National Resources Defense Council's On Earth blog ?noted about an hour earlier. Rice's offenses? She "holds significant investments in more than a dozen Canadian oil companies and banks that would stand to benefit from expansion of the North American tar sands industry and construction of the proposed $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline." That's indeed troubling, but it was just as troubling when leftists up to and including the editorialists at the Washington Post were accusing anyone objecting to Rice's potential nomination of being presumptively racist. Excerpts from Guillen's report follow the jump (bolds are mine): read more ...


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Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) Upset Mapping Service Next Hope, Eddy Cue ? AAPL, GOOG, RIMM, AKAM, OCZ, MU, TSM, VZ

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)?s Eddy Cue, who took control of map software previous month, is trying to upturn the bothered service, expelling a top manager and urging associates to enhance data among an increasing opposition with Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG)

Cue, 48, senior vice president managing Apple?s (AAPL) online services, ousted maps manager Richard Williamson in a management stir soon following taking over the plan, people stated that were closely related with the issue, who gave the information on the basis of anonymity.

Cue is looking for advice from outside map-technology experts and prodding maps supplier TomTom NV (TOM2) to fix breakthrough and navigation data it shares with Apple (AAPL).

Its competitors include Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) that slipped -4.25% to $8.78 with the total traded volume of 199.62 million shares and Research In Motion Limited (USA) (NASDAQ:RIMM) that dropped -3.45% to $33.41 with the total traded volume of 25.50 million shares.

Other Technology stocks with bullish trend include Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKAM) up +1.30% to $35.01, OCZ Technology Group Inc. (NASDAQ:OCZ) up +9.77% to $1.46, whereas with bearish trend include Micron Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:MU) down -1.14% to $5.61, Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. (ADR) (NYSE:TSM) down -0.59% to $16.74 and Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ) down -0.49% to $42.77.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) after opening at $577.27 hit high price of $578.00 and then trading at $574.52 by plunging -1.72% and on current session volume of 3.36 million shares is higher than its average volume of 22.09 million shares.

The stock price volatility was 2.27% for a week and 2.98% for a month as well as price volatility?s Average True Range for 14 days was 17.55 and its beta remained 1.21.

The liquidity measure in recent quarter results of the company was recorded 1.50 as current ratio. The Company had total cash at hand $29.13 billion and a book value per share as $125.86 in the most recent quarter.

AAPL generated revenue of 156.51 billion in the following twelve months and earned $41.73 billion. The Company showed a positive +26.67% in the net profit margin and as well as in its operating margin which remained +35.30%. Company?s annual sales growth for the past five year was +44.81%.

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Girlfriends Book Club: 5 Game-Changing Gifts for Writers

By Karin Gillespie
??When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.? Long ago, when I first read the statement above, I imagined an encounter with a big-bellied, toga-wearing monk who would whisper the secrets of the universe into my ear. Over the years?I've?learned you don?t necessarily need a monk to show you the way. If you?re open to it, wisdom comes in many guises, such as advice from a friend, a passage in a book, an overheard conversation or even a sudden insight. What follows are the valuable writing gifts I have received over the years. Depending on where you are in this journey, they may or may not resonate with you, but each one was precious to me and changed my way of thinking about my craft. Since I was a little girl I always dreamed of being a writer but it?wasn't?until I started doing daily morning pages that I gained the courage to face the blank page. ?And what are morning pages? Simply, first thing when you wake up in the morning, you write longhand in a notebook for twenty minutes without stopping. It?s best if you practice morning pages for two or three months and you?shouldn't?read what?you've?written until much later. ?The Artist?s Way by Julia Cameron popularized morning pages but?they've?been around for decades. Morning pages train your subconscious to write. It coaxes out the muse, and, trust me, the practice is utterly magical. Morning pages work best with new writers or writers who have abandoned the craft for a while. Storytelling is a skill separate from writing beautiful sentences and Blake Snyder, author of ?Save the Cat Strikes Back!? explains plotting in the most eloquent and accessible way possible. After reading his book, I knew I would never again plot myself into a corner or abandon a project because of structural problems.? Although his work is written in a breezy style, there?s something very elemental and old-world about Snyder?s approach. He died a couple of years ago, and even though he was a successful screenwriter, I think his insightful how-to books were his true legacy. I recommend all of his books but if you were only to buy one, I?d get ?Save the Cat Strikes Back.? In addition to giving structural advice, he shares the very personal story of how he changed his writing life around. An inspiring man who will be missed. Former Girlfriend April Henry turned me on to this incredible yet simple technique. Basically you write for twenty-five minutes, no interruptions, and then take a five minute break. Repeat as many times as necessary. This method has increased my focus ten-fold. I no longer worry about being distracted by the Internet or e-mail, because during each twenty-five minute period, you trick the brain to attend only to the writing. Here?s more about the Pomodoro technique if I?ve piqued your interest. Rachel Aaron?s Amazing Productivity Method Recently I decided I wanted to write first drafts faster, and I ran across author Rachel Aaron's advice on that very topic. Using her method, I easily upped my daily word count from 2,000 words a day to 3,000. (Accomplished in a four-hour time period with brief breaks) The secret? Aaron suggests writing a brief summary of what you?re going to write each day before plunging in. ?Her advice should be worth a $1,000 it helped me so much. But I only spent $.99 on her book. Thank you, Rachel Aaron! XOXO A recent insight about the writing game Once during one of the best performances of his life, Laurence Olivier came off the stage and was approached by a reporter who was bowled over by his mastery. Olivier acknowledged he?d done well, but he also said, ?I don?t know if I can ever repeat it, because it did not come from me.? The more I write, the more I understand that the best writing is achieved when I leave my ego outside the writing room, and surrender to my unconscious mind.

?If I show up every day, the muse will arrive, and if I?m humble and understand that I?m only a conduit or co-creator at best, then good writing will almost always result. When I?m co-creating, the supply of ideas are endless, and I never get stale. Maybe this gift was the most important one of all.

So those are the?best gifts?I've?received in over twenty years of writing, and I hope at least one will speak to you. And since it?s the gift-giving season, I would love to hear the valuable insights you have received during your writing life. I?m always looking to add a few more to my treasure chest.?????


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Apple's ultra-thin iMac to become available on Nov. 30

28 min.

Apple announced an upcoming?update to its popular iMac desktop computer line in October, but on Tuesday the Cupertino-based company finally confirmed that the 21.5-inch version of the?new, ultra-thin desktop will be available on Nov. 30.?

"Isn't it amazing how something new makes the previous generation instantly look old?" asked?Apple's senior vice president of worldwide marketing, Phil Schiller, when he first?unveiled what a press release calls "the most advanced desktop Apple has ever made."?The new iMac looks quite similar to the previous generation from the front, but from the side, it is incredibly clear that the desktop has undergone a significant redesign: It has an edge that's a mere 5 millimeters thin.?There is, of course, a bit of a bulge in the middle of the computer's back, for the sake of some internal components, but it still has about 40 percent less internal volume than its older siblings and weighs about eight pounds less, as NBC News' contributor Joel Johnson pointed out when we first heard about the new iMac.

The new iMac is offered in 21.5-inch and 27-inch versions, which start at $1,300 and $1,800, respectively. The new desktops have displays with 75 percent less reflection than the prior generation and a Fusion Drive option (which combines a standard hard drive and a flash-based one to offer up to 60 percent faster performance).

While the 21.5-inch version of the new iMac will begin arriving in customers' homes on Nov. 30, its?27-inch counterpart won't begin shipping until December, according to a press release issued by Apple.

Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.


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Powerball millions will buy you a lot of ... misery

As the Powerball frenzy continues, people across the nation are rushing out to buy their ticket to a dream, but winning the jackpot can sometime translate to major losses. NBC's Erica Hill reports on the lottery "curse" and two September Powerball winners how their lives have changed, for better and for worse.

By Melissa Dahl, NBC News

You surely know by now that the Powerball jackpot is set to hit at least $550 million tonight. You should also know that your odds of winning the grand prize are somewhere around 1 in 176 million?(at least, we really hope you know that). So here's a bit of comfort for you tonight as you stare dejectedly at your losing ticket: Most lottery winners don't end up any happier than the rest of us.?

Yeah, yeah, you can probably name 550 million reasons why winning the jackpot tonight will make you happy. But here's the truth: A?handful of psychology studies over the years have evaluated the happiness of lottery winners over time, and found that after the initial glee of getting one of those big giant checks has faded away, most winners actually end up no happier than they were before hitting the jackpot.

Arguably the most famous paper on this subject was published the late 1970s, and it's a doozy: Psychologists interviewed winners of the Illinois State Lottery and compared them with non-winners -- and, just for good measure, people who had suffered some terrible accident that left them paraplegic or quadriplegic. (You can find the abstract here, but you'll have to pay to read the full report.) Each group answered a series of questions designed to measure their level of happiness.

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Stefanie Graef holds what she hopes is the winning Powerball ticket she just bought at Circle News Stand on Tuesday in Hollywood, Fla. If she's lucky, she won't win.

What they found was counterintuitive, to say the least: In terms of overall happiness, the lottery winners were not significantly happier than the non-lottery winners. (The accident victims were less happy, but not by much.)?But when it came to rating everyday happiness, the lottery winners took "significantly less pleasure" in the simple things like chatting with a friend, reading a magazine or receiving a compliment.?

"Humans tend to have a relatively set point of mood," explains Gail Saltz, a New York City psychiatrist and frequent TODAY contributor. Most people tend to bounce back to that set point after a major life event, whether it's something negative or positive. But for some lottery winners, psychologists believe hitting an especially huge jackpot may alter that happiness baseline, making it harder to see the joy in everyday things.?

More recently than the '70s research, a?2008 University of California, Santa Barbara, paper?measured people's happiness six months after winning a relatively modest lottery prize -- a lump sum equivalent to about eight months' worth of income. "We found that this had zero detectable effect on happiness at that time," says Peter Kuhn, one of the study authors and a professor of economics at the university.?

Andrew Jackson "Jack'' Whittaker Jr., his wife Jewell, right, and their granddaughter Brandi Bragg, left, pose for a photograph after being interviewed by TODAY in this December 2002. In his darkest moments, Whittaker has said he sometimes wondered if winning the nearly $315 million Powerball game was really worth it.

You've heard the stories of lottery winners?whose post-jackpot lives turned sour. There's Jack Whittaker, the West Virginia man who in 2002 won the nearly $315 million Powerball jackpot. Initially, he generously gave millions to charities, including $14 million to start his own Jack Whittaker Foundation. But later, the dream turned to nightmare: A briefcase with $545,000 in cash and cashier's checks was stolen from his car while it was parked outside of a Cross Lanes, W. Va., strip club. His office and home were broken into, he was arrested twice for drunken-driving -- and the list goes on.?

Or there's Alex Toth, a Florida man who in 1990 won $13 million to be doled out in 20-year-payments of $666,666. (Seriously.) At his death in 2008, the Tampa Bay Times reported on the sad direction his life had taken: Years of living it up led to a split from his wife and charges of fradulent tax returns, among other serious woes.

What gives? Behavior experts have a couple theories. One is simply that we humans just tend to get used to stuff -- the good and the bad. The psychological concept is called "happiness adaptation," and?Michael Norton,?associate professor at Harvard Business School,?co-authored a 2007 paper that sought to uncover why hitting major life goals -- including the dreamlike goal of winning the lottery and the more down-to-earth goal of getting married -- don't end up making us as happy as we expect them to.?

"The idea of adaptation seems like a negative thing -- ?it's a shame that we have to get used to the good things in our life, from lottery winnings to ice cream.?But adaptation also helps us when bad things happen to us, making the impact of losing our job or getting divorced less painful over time," explains Norton, who is also the?coauthor of the forthcoming book, "Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending."?

He continues, "Big positive and negative events can have a lasting impact on our happiness, but this impact tends to decrease over time. In some sense, because people have so many facets of their life - from their job to their friends to their family to their hobbies - the impact of a change in any one of those facets is less extreme than we think, because many of the other things in our lives stay the same. (We win the lottery but we are still stuck with our same siblings, for example.) As a result of this, people tend to adapt to life events and end up closer to where they were than they think they'd be."

Tonight's historic Powerball jackpot has reached a whopping half-billion dollars and continues to grow. Andrea Canning reports on the frenzy for tickets in New York City.

This is partially because we are terrible at predicting how happy more money is going to make us.?The truth is, money?can?make you happy -- but only up to a point.?"Research shows that the impact of additional income on happiness begins to level off around $75,000 of income - but people keep trying to make more and more money in the mistaken belief that their happiness will continue to increase," Norton says. "As a result of this mistaken belief, people think that big windfalls will change their happiness dramatically - and may end up with less happiness than they expected."

On the other end of the spectrum, landing a windfall that lifts you out of a financial pit really can provide significant, lasting happiness. In 2006, Sandra Hayes, then a 46-year-old?social worker making $25,000?a year,?and 12 of her coworkers won the $224 million Powerball jackpot. After taxes and splitting the money with her coworkers, Hayes had won $10 million. She bought her dream car (a brand-new Lexus) and her dream home (a half-million dollar house in St. Louis). But first, she paid off her current home and then gave that house to her daughter and grandchildren, who'd been living in a rough neighborhood. She quit her job and now spends her days writing -- she's already published one book and is working on a second one.?

"Yes, my life is different, and it feels good," says Hayes. "This summer I had a $900 water bill. Six years ago, well, if I had a substantially huge bill, I would?ve had to make payment arrangements. That?s one of the things I like, that I?m able to pay my bills in full and not scuffle."

The first secret, as Hayes tells it, to winning the lottery without losing your mind is to immediately meet with a financial planner you trust and make a plan that works for you. The second is a little simpler.?She says, "Just because you win the lottery, it does not change you as a person."


Hey, Powerball winner: Here's your holiday shopping list

Advice for the Powerball winner: Pay taxes

11 crazy things more likely to happen than winning the Powerball jackpot

Follow health writer Melissa Dahl on Twitter: @melissadahl.?


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Pakistan plans to hold national elections in May

ISLAMABAD (AP) ? Pakistan's information minister says the government plans to hold landmark national elections next May.

Qamar Zaman Kaira's comments on Tuesday were the first indication of a timing for the vote.

The election would be a milestone for Pakistan because it would represent the first time that a civilian government has completed a full five-year term.

Past governments have either been deposed in military coups or dismissed by presidents allied with the generals.


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Bahraini Banking and Insurance Associations support industry ...

The BAB and BIA will work alongside the Quiz Show's supporters, Title Sponsor Tamkeen, organizer, FinMark Communications, Gold Sponsor BNH and Silver Sponsor GPIC, among others, in order to ensure the success of the Quiz, which aims to foster engagement between Bahrain's business community and the public. The event also provides an ideal platform for highlighting many top Bahraini companies across industry sectors, which continue to make the Kingdom of Bahrain a dynamic business hub.

This year's event will be launched in early December to coincide with the Kingdom's National Day celebrations. The competitions will take place in front of live audiences at the Seef Mall in order to maximise public participation and awareness building among corporates and individuals of the opportunities that exist in Bahrain's private sector and the programmes and initiatives of Tamkeen, which are aimed at job creation and private sector growth. Episodes will also be featured on BTV and in Bahrain's print and online media.

The four industry quiz nights will be held on 2, 4, 5 and 6 December 2012, where four teams from the same industry will compete. The Grand Finale to be held on 11 December 2012 will see the four winning teams, representing their respective industries, compete for the top honour.

Speaking on behalf of the organisations, Mr. Abdulkarim Bucheery, Chairman of the BAB, and Mr. Younis Al Sayed, Chairman of the BIA, said: "We're pleased to join together with Tamkeen and the organizers in order to help promote the Tamkeen Business Quiz among our corporates and professionals in the Banking and Insurance sectors. There is a great deal of talent and innovation in Bahrain's Banking and Insurance industries and we're delighted that there is an event focused on building awareness of the highly skilled and talented individuals working within them. We will put our industry knowledge, expertise and networks at the disposal of the Quiz and look forward to a successful event for all participating teams and the public."

Commenting on the announcement, Ms. Zahraa Taher, Managing Director of FinMark Communications, said: "We're both delighted and extremely lucky that in addition to Tamkeen which supports companies across industry sectors, we also now have the support of both the BAB and BIA for this year's business quiz series. We're confident that their industry expertise and close ties with corporates and professionals within their respective sectors will go a long way towards enhancing the Quiz nights dedicated to the Banking and Insurance industries. These are two of Bahrain's most dynamic sectors and we expect that with the support of these dedicated industry organizations these nights will prove a great success in raising industry awareness and in enhancing the quality of the challenge for the participating teams."

The Quiz series will also be fully interactive and in addition to testing industry teams will also test the public's knowledge of Bahraini business and of Tamkeen and its programmes. Members of the public correctly answering Quiz questions and other exciting challenges will be given the opportunity to win an array of prizes. The public prize competitions will take place during each Quiz night at the Seef Mall. An online competition will also soon be launched giving the public a chance to enter a draw for a special grand prize.

Further announcements will soon be made on the details of the event as well as the many other sponsors and supporters working with the Tamkeen Business Quiz Show to make the event a great success for the participating businesses, teams and community.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

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Skid & the Too Tiny Tunnel (Hardcover)
By Jeffery Stoddard

Review & Description

Skid, the littlest yellow tractor in the equipment yard, wants to be mighty like the giant bulldozers, tall cranes, and massive diggers who tower over him. But all the big machines tell him he is just a dinky tractor with a putt-putt engine. While they are busy building a new road through the mountain, Skid is left behind to take out the garbage.

When disaster strikes and a tunnel the machines are digging collapses, Pillar, the biggest bulldozer, is left trapped in the rubble. Only a small opening is left at the tunnel entrance and the only one who can fit through the opening is Skid who is afraid of the dark.

Now it's up to the tiniest tractor to save the day. Can Skid find the courage to do what he was made to do and prove that he doesn't have to be big to be mighty? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

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Alzheimer's disease in mice alleviated: Promising therapeutic approach for humans

ScienceDaily (Nov. 25, 2012) ? Pathological changes typical of Alzheimer's disease were significantly reduced in mice by blockade of an immune system transmitter. A research team from Charit? -- Universit?tsmedizin Berlin and the University of Zurich has just published a new therapeutic approach in fighting Alzheimer's disease in the current issue of Nature Medicine. This approach promises potential in prevention, as well as in cases where the disease has already set in.

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common causes of dementia. In Germany and Switzerland alone, around 1.5 million people are affected, and forecasts predict a doubling of the number of patients worldwide within the next 20 years. The accumulation of particular abnormal proteins, including amyloid-? (A?) among others, in patients' brains plays a central role in this disease. Prof. Frank Heppner from the Department of Neuropathology at Charit? and his colleague Prof. Burkhard Becher from the Institute for Experimental Immunology at the University of Zurich were able to show that turning off particular cytokines (immune system signal transmitters) reduced the Alzheimer's typical amyloid-? deposits in mice with the disease. As a result, the strongest effects were demonstrated after reducing amyloid-? by approximately 65 percent, when the immune molecule p40 was affected, which is a component of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-12 and -23.

Relevant for human therapy

Follow-up experiments also relevant for humans showed that substantial improvements in behavioral testing resulted when mice were given the antibody blocking the immune molecule p40. This effect was also achieved when the mice were already showing symptoms of the disease. Based on the current study by Prof. Heppner's and Prof. Becher's team, the level of p40 molecules is higher in Alzheimer's patients' brain fluid, which is in agreement with a recently published study by American colleagues demonstrating increased p40 levels in blood plasma of subjects with Alzheimer's disease, thus showing obvious relevance for human therapy.

The significance of the immune system in Alzheimer's research is the focus of current efforts. Prof. Heppner and Prof. Becher suspect that cytokines IL-12 and IL-23 themselves are not causative in the pathology, and that the mechanism of the immune molecule p40 in Alzheimer's requires additional clarification. However, they are convinced that the results of their six-years of research work justify the step toward clinical studies in humans, for which they plan to collaborate with a suitable industrial partner.

IIn the context of other illnesses, such as psoriasis, a medication that suppresses p40 in humans has already been applied. "Based on the safety data in patients," comment Profs. Heppner and Becher, "clinical studies could now be implemented without delay. Now, the goal is to bring the new therapeutic approach to Alzheimer patients quickly."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Zurich.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Johannes vom Berg, Stefan Prokop, Kelly R Miller, Juliane Obst, Roland E K?lin, Ileana Lopategui-Cabezas, Anja Wegner, Florian Mair, Carola G Schipke, Oliver Peters, York Winter, Burkhard Becher, Frank L Heppner. Inhibition of IL-12/IL-23 signaling reduces Alzheimer's disease?like pathology and cognitive decline. Nature Medicine, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nm.2965

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Minn. man says he 'fired more shots than I needed'

AAA??Nov. 26, 2012?5:32 PM ET
Minn. man says he 'fired more shots than I needed'

This Nov. 23, 2012, photograph provided by the Morrison county sheriff's office showsByron David Smith. The Morrison County man has been arrested after he told police he shot and killed two teenagers who were allegedly breaking into his home on Thanksgiving Day. (AP Photo/Morrison County Sheriff's Office)

This Nov. 23, 2012, photograph provided by the Morrison county sheriff's office showsByron David Smith. The Morrison County man has been arrested after he told police he shot and killed two teenagers who were allegedly breaking into his home on Thanksgiving Day. (AP Photo/Morrison County Sheriff's Office)

In a Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012 photo, Byron David Smith's brother walks past the bedroom window of Byron's home where Nick Brady, and cousin Haile Kifer, allegedly broke in before they were shot and killed by Byron on Thanksgiving Day, in Little Falls, Minn. Byron David Smith, 64, of Little Falls, told police he shot Kifer, 18, and Brady, 17, during a break-in Thursday. But authorities said his actions exceeded reasonable self-defense and planned to charge him Monday with second-degree murder. (AP Photo/The Star Tribune, Renee Jones Schneider) MANDATORY CREDIT; ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS OUT; MAGS OUT; TWIN CITIES TV OUT

In a Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012 photo, Rachel Brady, sister of Nick Brady, and cousin of Haile Kifer, who were shot and killed during an alleged break in on Thanksgiving Day, speaks about her brother to a crowd who gathered for a vigil in Little Falls, Minn. Byron David Smith, 64, of Little Falls, told police he shot Kifer, 18, and Brady, 17, during a break-in Thursday. But authorities said his actions exceeded reasonable self-defense and planned to charge him Monday with second-degree murder. (AP Photo/The Star Tribune, Renee Jones Schneider) MANDATORY CREDIT; ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS OUT; MAGS OUT; TWIN CITIES TV OUT

LITTLE FALLS, Minn. (AP) ? A Minnesota homeowner who shot two teenagers in the midst of an apparent Thanksgiving Day break-in told authorities he feared they had a weapon.

But Byron David Smith of Little Falls acknowledged in a criminal complaint that he fired "more shots than (he) needed to." Smith also described "a good clean finishing shot" for one teen.

Smith was charged Monday with two counts of second-degree murder in the deaths of 18-year-old Haile Kifer and 17-year-old Nicholas Brady.

Associated Press


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jugindarsharma8: Shopping and Product Reviews: Will Traditional ...

The popularity of online shopping has been seen by many as a threat to the existence of traditional shopping. Their argument is based on the recent widespread closure of established brands like Sears and Best Buy. But can we really say that traditional shopping is dying?

In 2011, even though the U.S economy was sluggish, shopping grew by 15% over the previous year. In addition, about 35% of Americans now have smartphones which enable them to purchase goods and services over the internet and this figure is expected to rise significantly in subsequent years. In actual fact, about half of smartphone users have used their phones for one purchase or the other. On Christmas day of 2011 alone, about 6.8 million iOs and Android smartphones were activated. Top internet retailer, Amazon, recorded a whooping net sale of $48.08 billion in 2011 which represents 40.6% increase over $32.20 billion recorded in 2010. This figure is expected to rise in 2012 and subsequent years. What then is the implication of all these to physical retailing?

Since many people now decide to shop over the internet due to the benefits derivable in doing so like convenience, easy access to market, price comparison, avoidance of crowd, better prices and so on, can we really say that that the traditional way of shopping is being threatened? In my own opinion, technology will enhance the traditional method and not kill it. The popularity of video cassette recorder (VCR) in the 80's was seen by many as a threat to movie theaters then, but today, the film industry has been strengthened by the new technology and the demand for films has increased.

Moreover, when the email became very popular, a lot people thought that the traditional postal service would die, but today, it is waxing stronger. The point I'm driving at here is that, if traditional shop owners can embrace new technology, shopping on the internet would not be a threat to them but a blessing.

If physical retailers can monitor shopping behavior through the use of Wi-Fi signals from smartphones, they would be able to compete favorably in a fast-changing world. They can use technology to measure loyalty, make better staffing decisions, improve store layouts, reduce wait times in checkout lines and so on. Online shopping has come to stay but it is not a threat to traditional shopping because many consumers still value some of its features like quality of customer service, the experience of trying and buying products, how products are displayed and so on.

Olushola Otenaike is an online shopping expert.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Google's 'gallery for everyone' lets you take over Times Square, say thank you for...

Google's 'gallery for everyone' lets you take over Times Square, say thank you for...

What would be a neat trick to round off a perfect holiday with friends, family, and -- if you're lucky -- some bargain-priced tech? How about getting your smug, contented face up on the screens in Times Square? Not got the big corporate budget? No worries, as Google's here to pick up the tab as part of a Chromebook promotion, and possibly make it happen for you. Submit a picture at the source link, along with a snappy "For... " caption, and you could find yourself, your mom, your cat, or football team up there for all to see. We were going to submit one of our own, but, well y'know, we're still wearing the t-shirt.

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Via: Chromebook (Google Plus)

Source: Gallery For Everyone


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Special Education teachers are an aging population: Local schools ...

California is currently facing as shortage of qualified teachers ? including special education teachers ? according to an article printed in September on US News on

The article cited a report, ?Greatness by Design? released by the California Department of Education in September ? a report designed to help improve how teachers are recruited, trained and mentored ? that states ?there are still shortages of qualified teachers in fields such as special education.?

Dr. Pia Wong, department chair for the Department of Teaching Credentials and professor at California State University Sacramento, says one reason for the shortage is teachers retiring without anyone to fill their positions. ?When you look at the average age of teachers in special (education) and general education, it?s an aging population,? she explains. ?Based on when people typically do retire or can retire, we know in the next 10 years we?re going to see very high numbers of retirement.?

Another reason, says Dr. Wong, is a growth in the population of students who qualify for special education services due to better diagnostic processes. ?Because we have better tools for understanding the special needs that students have, there?s more students that are identified and therefore that creates a need for special programs, special classes, specialized teachers,? she says.

So what does this mean for Sacramento?

Inclusion Practice at SCUSD

In Sacramento City Unified School District, Director of Special Education Becky Bryant says there?s not a shortage of special education teachers overall, but there is a shortage in certain types of special education specialties, such as speech and language pathologists and occupational therapists.

Overall, Bryant says the amount of special education teachers they have is cyclical and will depend on the number of retirees they have each year and if there are new teachers coming to replace them. ?Because Sacramento is the capitol, we have a lot of people that kind of move in and out because they have to relocate or something,? she adds.

According to Bryant, SCUSD employs 260 special education teachers and serves 88 schools plus charter schools. She says there are resource specialist programs at all school sites, and throughout the district there are special day programs.

Bryant says SCUSD is in the third year of implementation of an Inclusive Practice program at six schools in the district ? C.K. McClatchy High School, California Middle School, Sutterville Elementary, Oak Ridge Elementary, Leataata Floyd Elementary, and Caleb Greenwood K-8 School. Through this model, says Bryant, students who would have been in a traditional special day class setting are now in general education, and the general educator and special education teacher co-teach together to provide instruction to all students in the classroom.

According to Bryant, Inclusive Practice helps teach students skills they will need when they become adults and enter into a diverse society, and it allows all students to learn together and be part of a community. ?It?s not about singling out students with disabilities and sending them somewhere else,? she adds.

Special Programs & Inclusion at SJUSD

Over at San Juan Unified School District (SJUSD), Dayle Cantrall, program manager for special education, believes that special education is a growing need because there is not always a pool of credentialed teachers at the ready to fill any holes they may have. ?When we have credentialed teachers, they usually end up in a job and they stay ? they don?t face layoffs like general education teachers do, they?re always in high demand,? she adds.

According to Cantrall, SJUSD currently employs 307 special education teachers, including speech therapists and adaptive PE teachers. She says there is at a minimum a half-time resource teacher at every school site, and some high schools have upwards to nine special education teachers at a school site. And special education students range from those that need speech therapy to specialized programs for severe autism and the deaf and hard-of-hearing.

Cantrall says recent changes in special education programs at SJUSD include specialized programming for severe autism students and a new transition center for kids ages 18-22 this year.

Additionally, there are specialized inclusion programs from elementary through high school on a few campuses in the district, says Cantrall. ?We have support built into the particular campuses, including increased number of instructional assistants,? she explains. Plus some campuses also have the capability for a special education student to attend the same school as their brothers and sisters through the support of ?roving inclusion teachers? and resources teachers.

What It Takes

To help ensure there are qualified special education teachers for California schools, Dr. Wong says one thing CSUS has done is advocate for an admission cycle for the special education credential program every semester. Additionally, faculty has been active in securing grants from the federal government to help candidates interested in pursuing the special education credential.

For those considering becoming certified to become a special education teacher, Dr. Wong suggests they look into it by doing some research and visiting some classrooms. ?I think people may have certain preconceptions about what it means to teach students with special needs,? she explains. ?I think if they were to visit some classrooms, they would really see some positive, exciting things happen and maybe find it?s something that attracts them.?

Bryant says they look to hire special education teachers who have a passion for kids in general, and a passion to work with students with disabilities. ?(We look for) people who have a clear understanding of how to manage a classroom, how to motivate kids, and who are really willing to work on creating relationships with kids,? she adds.

And Cantrall says if you have a calling to work with at-risk kids, you?re not afraid to collaborate, think outside the box, and do what?s needed to meet the best interests of that child?s needs ? go for it. ?We need people in special education who are not only dedicated to kids, but dedicated to paving the way so those kids can continue to learn in the least restrictive environment possible,? she says.


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3DS game Resident Evil: Revelations gets rated for Xbox 360 and ...

Resident Evil: Revelations only came out on the 3DS at the start of this year, but it seems it could be coming to both Xbox 360 and PS3 soon, too.

The revelation (sorry) comes after the Korean Ratings Board rated the game for both Sony and Microsoft?s consoles ? suggesting the game could already be ported over from the 3DS. It?s not unusual for Capcom to re-release and port games from console-to-console, but it?s quite surprising this one is happening so soon.

Revelations is much more of a classic Resident Evil game in terms of gameplay,?centred?around survival horror rather than the more recent RE games for PS3 and Xbox 360 . Revelations is set between the RE 4 and 5 games, with the story revolving around Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine plus two new characters, Parker and Jessica. The story switches between the different characters and the gameplay focuses on puzzle solving and exploring. As well as the main story there?s also an extra game mode called Raid Mode, which allows you and a friend to battle hoards of zombies together.

Capcom have yet to confirm Revelations is coming to consoles, but it?s more than likely true. It?s a good way for Capcom to fill the gap between the last Resident Evil and the inevitable RE 7, and it?s likely Revelations will be a PSN/Xbox Live download. However, it will need the graphics updated and some of the gameplay mechanics might have to be adjusted ? such as the touch screen bits. If anything, Revelations should really be ported over to the PS Vita.

More at the Korean Ratings Board?(translated), via Eurogamer?


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'Dallas' star Larry Hagman dies in Texas

J.R. Ewing was a business cheat, faithless husband and bottomless well of corruption. Yet with his sparkling grin, Larry Hagman masterfully created the charmingly loathsome oil baron ? and coaxed forth a Texas-size gusher of ratings ? on television's long-running and hugely successful nighttime soap, "Dallas."

Although he first gained fame as nice guy Major Tony Nelson on the fluffy 1965-70 NBC comedy "I Dream of Jeannie," Hagman earned his greatest stardom with J.R. The CBS serial drama about the Ewing family and those in their orbit aired from April 1978 to May 1991, and broke viewing records with its "Who shot J.R.?" 1980 cliffhanger that left unclear if Hagman's character was dead.

The actor, who returned as J.R. in a new edition of "Dallas" this year, had a long history of health problems and died Friday due to complications from his battle with cancer, his family said.

"Larry was back in his beloved hometown of Dallas, re-enacting the iconic role he loved the most. Larry's family and closest friends had joined him in Dallas for the Thanksgiving holiday," the family said in a statement that was provided to The Associated Press by Warner Bros., producer of the show.

The 81-year-old actor was surrounded by friends and family before he passed peacefully, "just as he'd wished for," the statement said.

Linda Gray, his on-screen wife and later ex-wife in the original series and the sequel, was among those with Hagman in his final moments in a Dallas hospital, said her publicist, Jeffrey Lane.

"He brought joy to everyone he knew. He was creative, generous, funny, loving and talented, and I will miss him enormously. He was an original and lived life to the fullest," the actress said.

Years before "Dallas," Hagman had gained TV fame on "I Dream of Jeannie," in which he played an astronaut whose life is disrupted when he finds a comely genie, portrayed by Barbara Eden, and takes her home to live with him.

Eden recalled late Friday shooting the series' pilot "in the frigid cold" on a Malibu beach.

"From that day, for five more years, Larry was the center of so many fun, wild and sometimes crazy times. And in retrospect, memorable moments that will remain in my heart forever," Eden said.

Hagman also starred in two short-lived sitcoms, "The Good Life" (NBC, 1971-72) and "Here We Go Again" (ABC, 1973). His film work included well-regarded performances in "The Group," ''Harry and Tonto" and "Primary Colors."

But it was Hagman's masterful portrayal of J.R. that brought him the most fame. And the "Who shot J.R.?" story twist fueled international speculation and millions of dollars in betting-parlor wagers. It also helped give the series a place in ratings history.

When the answer was revealed in a November 1980 episode, an average 41 million U.S. viewers tuned in to make "Dallas" one of the most-watched entertainment shows of all time, trailing only the "MASH" finale in 1983 with 50 million viewers.

It was J.R.'s sister-in-law, Kristin (Mary Crosby) who plugged him ? he had made her pregnant, then threatened to frame her as a prostitute unless she left town ? but others had equal motivation.

Hagman played Ewing as a bottomless well of corruption with a charming grin: a business cheat and a faithless husband who tried to get his alcoholic wife, Sue Ellen (Gray), institutionalized.

"I know what I want on J.R.'s tombstone," Hagman said in 1988. "It should say: 'Here lies upright citizen J.R. Ewing. This is the only deal he ever lost.'"

On Friday night, Victoria Principal, who co-starred in the original series, recalled Hagman as "bigger than life, on-screen and off. He is unforgettable, and irreplaceable, to millions of fans around the world, and in the hearts of each of us, who was lucky enough to know and love him."

Ten episodes of the new edition of "Dallas" aired this past summer and proved a hit for TNT. Filming was in progress on the sixth episode of season two, which is set to begin airing Jan. 28, the network said.

There was no immediate comment from Warner or TNT on how the series would deal with Hagman's loss.

In 2006, he did a guest shot on FX's drama series "Nip/Tuck," playing a macho business mogul. He also got new exposure in recent years with the DVD releases of "I Dream of Jeannie" and "Dallas."

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said Saturday morning in a statement that Hagman's role as J.R. helped the city gain "worldwide recognition."

"Larry is a North Texas jewel that was larger than life and he will be missed by many in Dallas and around the world," Rawlings said.

The Fort Worth, Texas, native was the son of singer-actress Mary Martin, who starred in such classics as "South Pacific" and "Peter Pan." Martin was still in her teens when he was born in 1931 during her marriage to attorney Ben Hagman.

As a youngster, Hagman gained a reputation for mischief-making as he was bumped from one private school to another. He made a stab at New York theater in the early 1950s, then served in the Air Force from 1952-56 in England.

While there, he met and married young Swedish designer Maj Axelsson. The couple had two children, Preston and Heidi, and were longtime residents of the Malibu beach colony that is home to many celebrities.

Hagman returned to acting and found work in the theater and in such TV series as "The U.S. Steel Hour," ''The Defenders" and "Sea Hunt." His first continuing role was as lawyer Ed Gibson on the daytime serial "The Edge of Night" (1961-63).

He called his 2001 memoir "Hello Darlin': Tall (and Absolutely True) Tales about My Life."

"I didn't put anything in that I thought was going to hurt someone or compromise them in any way," he told The Associated Press at the time.

Hagman was diagnosed in 1992 with cirrhosis of the liver and acknowledged that he had drank heavily for years. In 1995, a malignant tumor was discovered on his liver and he underwent a transplant.

After his transplant, he became an advocate for organ donation and volunteered at a hospital to help frightened patients.

"I counsel, encourage, meet them when they come in for their operations, and after," he said in 1996. "I try to offer some solace, like 'Don't be afraid, it will be a little uncomfortable for a brief time, but you'll be OK.' "

He also was an anti-smoking activist who took part in "Great American Smoke-Out" campaigns.

Funeral plans had not been announced as of Saturday morning.

"I can honestly say that we've lost not just a great actor, not just a television icon, but an element of pure Americana," Eden said in her statement Friday night. "Goodbye, Larry. There was no one like you before and there will never be anyone like you again."


Associated Press writers Erin Gartner in Chicago and Shaya Mohajer in Los Angeles, and AP Television Writer Frazier Moore in New York contributed to this report.


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Reports: Russian weapons designer slain in street

By Reuters

MOSCOW - A weapons designer at a Russian defense industry enterprise that makes rifles, grenade launchers and other arms was shot dead on a city street in a contract-style killing, law enforcement authorities and media reports said.

The deputy chief designer at the research and production facility in Tula, an arms-producing city south of Moscow, was found dead with a bullet wound in his head on Wednesday evening, the federal Investigative Committee said.

State television identified the victim as Vyacheslav Trukhachev and said investigators believe the killing may have been related to his job at the Central Sports and Hunting Weapons Research and Design Bureau.

NYT: Russia rights groups vow to defy 'foreign agent' law

Officials did not cite a potential motive, however. Russian business is plagued by corruption and disputes are sometimes resolved through contract killings.

Well-lit street
Trukhachev was shot while walking home from work on Tula's Red Army Avenue and the killing was captured on a surveillance camera, Interfax news agency quoted a senior regional investigator, Tatyana Sergeyeva, as saying.

She said the gunman was not wearing a mask but had fled the scene immediately. It was not clear whether he acted alone or had help. The well-lit street and was not deserted and police were looking for eyewitnesses.

Russia's defense industry, the world's second-largest arms exporter, has been under increasing scrutiny since a nearly $100 million corruption scandal implicated former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. He was dismissed earlier this month.

Putin fires powerful defense minister amid corruption scandal?

Trukhachev's job involved the design and development of weapons, not sales, Interfax quoted Sergeyeva as saying.

Officials at the enterprise where he worked declined to comment.

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Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Cadillac to give ATS breathing room by trimming ... - Automotive News

CTS sales have nosedived in the wake of the September launch of the new ATS, sinking 40 percent in October from a year earlier.


November 21, 2012 - 1:38 pm ET

DETROIT -- We've heard a lot about how Cadillac's new ATS compact sedan was built to lure buyers away from the BMW 3 series and other German luxury juggernauts.

That might yet happen. But, at least early on, the ATS is poaching buyers from its older and larger sibling in the Cadillac lineup: the CTS.

CTS sales have nosedived in the wake of the September launch of the new ATS, sinking 40 percent in October from a year earlier.

CTS is one of the most cross-shopped vehicles among potential ATS buyers, data from shows. Happily for Caddy execs, the 3 Series also is up there on the potential ATS buyer's list.

Such overlap is natural when a new nameplate infiltrates a lineup. It's a phenomenon that General Motors has a plan for, says Chase Hawkins, Cadillac's U.S. sales chief.

Hawkins told me this week that GM will dial back CTS production next year. That will prevent CTS sedans and coupes from piling up on dealer lots and forcing GM to load heavy incentives on them or dump them into rental fleets. GM resorted to those tactics often in the past, and Cadillac's brand still is recovering from it.

Caddy's new BMW 3 series fighter - the ATS.

"We've planned for ATS to take some CTS customers out of the market who we otherwise would have seen," Hawkins says. "We definitely are going to be producing fewer CTSs next year to create some of that space for ATS."

Hawkins believes there will be less cross-shopping "as ATS grows up a bit."

But the key actually might be the growth of CTS -- literally. The next-generation CTS will be a bit longer and pricier when it hits showrooms by late 2013. That'll create more separation from ATS and allow the CTS to go head-to-head with BMW's 5 series and mid-sized luxury sedans.

Market prognosticators would do best to wait until 2014, the first year that the next-gen CTS co-exists with the ATS. Look for whether GM can grow CTS sales (on pace for about 45,000 this year) and sell a greater number of ATSs -- with both models stealing at least modest numbers of import buyers.

Check that box, and GM execs can have confidence that their Take-on-the-Germans strategy has legs.

You can reach Mike Colias at


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Thursday, November 22, 2012

96% Sister

All Critics (46) | Top Critics (13) | Fresh (44) | Rotten (2)

Seydoux perfectly captures the anger and self-defeat of ill-educated, hedonistic, man-chasing young women who live on the fringes.

L?a Seydoux fulfills Louise, and Kacey Mottet Klein, as Simon, is one more to join the pantheon of film's excellent child actors.

Haunting and sad. And absolutely worth seeing.

The chemistry between the two leads is a razor's-edge dance: feral, childish, tender and always complex.

Movies about wayward kids are a European specialty. The new film "Sister" deepens the specialty.

The influence of Belgian masters Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne's documentary eye for youth on the margins is evident in Ursula Meier's calmly heartbreaking drama.

Emotionally engaging and impeccably crafted

Klein and Seydoux give such naturalistic performances that they're never overwhelmed by the spectacle.

"Sister" is loose and episodic, but held together with nicely sketched characters.

[A]voids bathos. . .reveals unexpected depth in a heartbreaking bond. . . Different classes conflict [in] adjacent spaces . . .in spare, realistic Dardennes' style.

Meier draws out wonderfully naturalistic performances from her young stars, with Mottet Klein particularly good as the young roustabout Simon ...

It comes over like a subtle short story and is well acted.

Meier's portrait of Simon ... is richly atmospheric and never sentimental.

An enigmatic, heartfelt account of a vulnerable young boy's yearning for a better life.

Most intriguing is how the writers and director have transformed what's essentially a rather dark, bleak story into something involving and emotionally resonant, all without ever turning sentimental.

It is an interesting and well-made movie, though with an uncertain ending.

Sister gradually reveals pattern in its tapestry of everyday life.

An expert piece of storytelling with a host of strong character turns and thematic depth to burn.

A healthy seam of mischief helps cut through the occasionally rote social comment.

An emotionally engaging, beautifully shot and impressively directed Dardennes-esque French drama with a superb script and excellent performances from Kacey Mottet Klein and L?a Seydoux.

An unusual, involving, slightly strained character study from Ursula Meier, the French director of 2008's satirical dystopia, 'Home'.

'Sister' often recalls the recent work of the Dardenne brothers of Belgium and that landmark of the French new wave, Francois Truffaut's 'The 400 Blows' (1959).

Psychologically complex. You may be shocked, you may be moved, but you won't easily forget "Sister."

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