Sunday, November 18, 2012

APC offers chance to network, learn ? Business Management Daily ...

The Administrative Professionals Con??ference (APC), held in Orlando, Fla., this year, sought to help administrative professionals maintain high performance and reach their career best. Produced by the American Soci??ety of Administrative Professionals, the conference included training sessions on such topics as office technology, time management and workplace communication. The keynote speakers included motivational speaker J.R. Martinez and personal financial expert Manisha Thakor. Among the key themes:

  • Stepping into social. Denise Quashie, founder of BarkWorld Expo & Socially Planned, updated attendees on the most popular social networks and argued that admins need to stake out a presence on major sites for the sake of their careers. In particular, she emphasized the im??por??tance of creating a robust LinkedIn profile and building connections via Twitter. She passed along a few tips for using the sites effectively, such as adopting social media management tools like HootSuite.
  • Managing growing time pressures. ?Do more with less? is still the mantra in many workplaces, and admins are often responsible for figuring out how to make that happen. Several sessions focused on how to improve the efficiency of meetings, as well as how to use little-known features in common software programs to save everyone in the office time and money.
  • Keeping up with technology. Vickie Sokol Evans, author of 100 Tips in 100 Minutes for Windows 7 & Office 2010, offered her favorite timesaving tricks to use with Microsoft Office. Among them: Search for templates for documents before trying to create new ones from scratch. She recommended checking out

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