Miller highlights comments from Tuesday's House Subcommittee on Energy and Power hearing titled, "American Energy Security and Innovation: The Role of a Diverse Electricity Generation Portfolio."
This content provided by a Monitor sponsor. What's this?The American flag flies over the Rayburn House Office Building at the US Capitol in Washington, Sunday.
J. Scott Applewhite/AP/File
EnlargeThe Subcommittee on Energy and Power held a hearing yesterday in the Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing was entitled, ?American Energy Security and?Innovation: The Role of a Diverse Electricity Generation Portfolio? and below are a few of the statements regarding the role of coal-based electricity presented during yesterday?s testimony:
Skip to next paragraph Lisa Camooso MillerVice President for Media Relations, American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE)
Lisa Camooso Miller is ACCCE's vice president for media relations. She oversees ACCCE's earned media implementation and strategic planning and appears regularly in print, radio and on national television. For more than 15 years, Lisa has been a notable communications leader in public affairs, holding key positions in local, state and federal government, political campaigns and committees, as well as advocacy organizations.
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Mark McCullough, Executive Vice President of Generation, AEP
?For over a century, AEP has been a pioneer in the development of advanced coal-fueled generation technologies, which include many first-in-the-world accomplishments that have set the standard?for combustion efficiencies, emissions control, and system performance.?
John McClure,?Vice President for Government Affairs and General Counsel, Nebraska Public Power District
?What many do not realize is coal remains a more competitively priced fuel for certain regions of the country due to the proximity of supply, especially in the central and western U.S. Natural?gas may be a great option if your power plant is located near a robust network of gas pipelines, but unfortunately many of the existing coal plants do not have access to pipeline capacity to convert from coal to natural gas.
Coal has been a mainstay of our Nation?s generating mix, and the Energy Information Administration continues to show coal as an important part of a diverse fuel mix for the coming decades.?
Rep. Ed Whitfield (KY-1)
?The EPA, without question, has established an unfortunate trend line, methodically establishing a regulatory framework to eliminate coal, and taking away diversity choicesfrom utilities throughout?the country.?
Rep. Steve Scalise (LA-1)
?The government is picking winners and losers and those that lose are the families that will pay higher electricity costs.?
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